Investigation of Water Hammer Problems and Potential Solutions in Pump Discharge Lines

Erdem, R. Çağrı
Bozkuş, Zafer


Investigation of water hammer problems and potential solutions in pump discharge lines
Erdem, Recep Çağrı; Bozkuş, Zafer; Department of Civil Engineering (2019)
Disturbance in boundary conditions of a hydraulic system could cause rapid change in flow velocity in confined pipe systems. Pressure wave leading to an event called water hammer may occur as a consequence of that disturbance. Water hammer could lead to catastrophic failures on the hydraulic systems. Thus, proper protection measures should be defined and installed in the system before it is put into operation. The aim of this study is to analyze a pumped discharge line and ensure its safe operation against ...
Investigation of waterhammer problems in the penstocks of small hydropower plants
Çalamak, Melih; Bozkuş, Zafer; Department of Civil Engineering (2010)
Waterhammer is an unsteady hydraulic problem which is commonly found in closed conduits of hydropower plants, water distribution networks and liquid pipeline systems. Due to either a malfunction of the system or inadequate operation conditions, pipeline may collapse or burst erratically resulting in substantial damages, and human losses in some cases. In this thesis, time dependent flow situations in the penstocks of small hydropower plants are investigated. A software, HAMMER, that utilizes method of chara...
Investigation of the Water Hammer Problems in Water-Wind Hybrid Systems
Dincer, Ali Ersin; Bozkuş, Zafer (2015-07-01)
Water hammer is an undesirable event, caused by sudden flow changes in confined pipe systems. When it occurs, its consequences can be very costly and even sometimes deadly. In general, it may be encountered in the penstocks of hydropower plants, water transmission lines, water networks, etc. Therefore, the operation guidelines of the hydropower plants should be defined correctly and if necessary, preventive measures should be considered. In the present study, water hammer problems in pumped-storage hydropow...
Investigation of waterhammer problems in the penstocks of pumped-storage power plants
Dinçer, Ali Ersin; Bozkuş, Zafer; Department of Civil Engineering (2013)
Waterhammer is an undesirable event, caused by sudden flow changes in a confined pipe system. When it occurs, its consequences can be very costly and even sometimes deadly. In general, it may be encountered in the penstocks of hydropower plants, water transmission lines, water networks, etc. Therefore, the operation guidelines of the hydropower plants should be defined correctly. In this thesis, waterhammer problems in pumped storage hydropower plants are investigated. Time dependent flow conditions in the ...
Investigation of Quality Related Problems in Mass Housing Projects
Birgönül, Mustafa Talat; Dikmen Toker, İrem (null; 1999-06-07)
Citation Formats
R. Ç. Erdem and Z. Bozkuş, “Investigation of Water Hammer Problems and Potential Solutions in Pump Discharge Lines,” presented at the ACE 2020-2021 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: