The Impact of Entrepreneurship Contests on Ecosystem Development in an Emerging Market: The YFYI Example in Turkey

Güler, Elif Nisa
Bediz Sinan, Beliz
Oran, Adil


The Impact of networking characteristics on entrepreneurial marketing: the case of technology-based firms in Ankara
Durukan, Başak; Akçomak, İbrahim Semih; Department of Science and Technology Policy Studies (2019)
The main objective of this thesis is to investigate how network characteristics of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) affect their entrepreneurial marketing practices by using a quantitative research approach. The dimensions of network characteristics and entrepreneurial marketing are defined according to the literature, the scales are adapted, and data is collected using a questionnaire. One hundred and forty-five surveys have been conducted on SMEs located at Technology Development Zones (TDZs) in ...
The impact of mobility on researchers’ collaborations in a developing country: The case of Turkey
Nuhoğlu, Gökçe; Aydınoğlu, Arsev Umur (2021-10-09)
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The Effects of Mobility Programs on the Quality of Internationalization: Erasmus Case in Turkey
Turhan, Bugay; Bulut Şahin, Betül (null; 2015-10-16)
Erasmus Program plays a vital role for internationalization of Turkish higher education Although the number of students and staff participating in this Program has been increasing; this increase in the quantity may not directly result in an increase in quality. 129 staff working in international offices of Turkish universities representing various geographical locations of Turkey participated in the study. The results of the survey revealed that most universities in Turkey include internationalization in th...
The impact of an e-mentoring project on EFL pre-service teachers’professional development: a case study on challenges and benefitsof online written feedback provision practices in the Turkishcontext
Kaçar, Işıl Günseli (2018-07-04)
In this qualitative case study, considering relatively scarce active learning and professional development opportunities provided for Turkish pre-service teachers in teacher education programs, an e-mentoring project, Myschoolsnetwork, was integrated into practicum courses at a state university. 30 prospective teachers enrolled in the practicum courses in their final year, were asked to provide online written feedback on the written work diverse learner profiles from various countries uploaded to this inter...
The Impact of Information Provision on the Social Acceptance of Shale Gas Development: A Review-Based Inclusive Model
Kanoglu, Dilge G.; Soytaş, Uğur (2018-08-27)
Social acceptance is critical to the market penetration of new products and technologies as well as the successful implementation of policies, including those concerning energy demand. The hydraulic fracturing technique employed in the development of shale gas has been followed by controversy and this has resulted in the emergence of heterogeneity in attitudes toward the process. This review-based perspective surveys selected contributions of psychology to the literature on social acceptance. While not comp...
Citation Formats
E. N. Güler, B. Bediz Sinan, and A. Oran, “The Impact of Entrepreneurship Contests on Ecosystem Development in an Emerging Market: The YFYI Example in Turkey,” presented at the 39th EBES Conference -ROME, Roma, İtalya, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: