Canlar, Eray
This thesis explores the historical evolution of the regulatory governance of the European Union (EU) in different policy fields, mainly focusing on the EU asylum policy. Utilizing historical institutionalism and securitization literature, the thesis seeks to examine the regulatory governance of the EU asylum policy which, like the other policy field examples, displays a security-oriented and crisis-driven institutional path dependency that leads to regulatory agencification processes. Moreover, the thesis aims to contribute to the literature by uncovering the mechanisms that reinforce the two-dimensional and two-paced character of the regulatory governance of the EU asylum policy. While the internal dimension of the EU asylum policy consists of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), the external dimension involves the externalization of asylum policy to third countries and cooperation mechanisms on controlling the external EU borders with the support of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCG). In the face of different crises, the external dimension of the EU asylum policy has expanded rapidly both in a de facto and de jure manner. Conversely, suffering from the cumbersome EU negotiation processes and the lack of consensus between the member states, the regulatory governance of the internal dimension has experienced a slow- paced and partial regulatory expansion. The underlying reasons behind the difference of pace between the two dimensions lie in the security-oriented path dependency of the EU asylum policy as well as the process of securitization of immigration and asylum in the EU.


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Citation Formats
E. Canlar, “THE EU ASYLUM POLICY IN TIMES OF CRISIS: REGULATORY GOVERNANCE THROUGH AGENCIES,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.