Siyasal Kuram Açısından Anayasal Denetimin Meşruiyeti Sorunu: Liberal, Cumhuriyetçi Akımlar ve Yakın Dönem Yaklaşımlar



Siyasal İstikrarın Parlementer Kökenleri:İngiltere Üzerine bir Derleme
Eren Vural, İpek (SODEV Yayinlari, Kalkedon, 2007-01-01)
Siyasal bir sorun olarak Ankara kentinin kentleşme ve planlama sorunları
Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay (null; 2002-01-15)
Political truth, epistemological challenges of populism and post-truth
Kerem, Özcan; Grıffıth, James Edmond Carr; Department of Philosophy (2023-1)
This thesis explores the place of truth in our contemporary public discourse and the epistemological challenges it faces. It takes a look at the perceived distortion of factual reality in the form of increased lies and untruths through the contribution of the nearly all-encompassing concept of “post-truth”. The thesis highlights the central role played by the Internet and new communication mediums in the development of the post-truth condition and emphasizes the novelty they bring about. I use the works of ...
The Role of political salafism in the formation of Saudi Arabia and the taliban regime
Öztürk, Selim; Kuşçu Bonnenfant, Işık; Department of Sociology (2018)
This dissertation aims to analyze the role of political Salafism in the formation of early Saudi emirates, today’s Saudi Kingdom and the Taliban regime (1996-2001) in Afghanistan. The study examines the formation of the Salafi creed in the Medieval Age first and then focuses on the formation of political Salafism with regard to the political developments and conflicts during the Abbasid era. Then, then it focuses on the rise of political Salafism in the 14th century with ibn Taymiyyah’s struggle against the...
Politik Sistem Algısı ve Duygular
Solak, Nevın; Sümer, Nebi (Nobel Yayınları, 2015-01-01)
Citation Formats
C. Deveci, Siyasal Kuram Açısından Anayasal Denetimin Meşruiyeti Sorunu: Liberal, Cumhuriyetçi Akımlar ve Yakın Dönem Yaklaşımlar. 2008.