Urban Water Management as a Part of Climate Responsive Urbanism

BIRI Water Management Workshop


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Urban emissions and land use efficiency scenarios towards effective climate mitigation in urban systems
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© 2022 Elsevier LtdThere are critical mitigation opportunities in urban areas that can be better understood through urban level analyses in the context of climate scenarios. This research work develops an approach for emissions scenarios for specific urban areas based on Shared Socioeconomic and Representative Concentration Pathways with a focus on the green growth paradigm at the lowest radiative forcing outcomes. The scenario characteristic for compact urban form is further complemented with improvements ...
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Korkmaz, Hikmet Tansel; Onur, Selahattin; Department of Architecture (1989)
Urban stormwater modeling using geographic information systems
Çetin, Ali Fuat; Merzi, Nuri; Department of Civil Engineering (1998)
Urban redevelopment approaches for the squatter areas within a changing context of urban planing case study Ankara: Geçak urban redevelopment project
Kuzu, Aylin; Altaban, Özcan; Department of City Planning (1997)
Citation Formats
E. Peker, “Urban Water Management as a Part of Climate Responsive Urbanism,” presented at the BIRI Water Management Workshop, Ankara, Türkiye, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/98406.