Spatially-Coupled Code Design for Partial-Response Channels: Optimal Object-Minimization Approach

Hareedy, Ahmed
Esfahanizadeh, Homa
Tan, Andrew
Dolecek, Lara
© 2018 IEEE.Spatially-coupled (SC) codes are among the most attractive error-correcting codes for use in modern storage devices. SC codes are constructed by partitioning an underlying block code and coupling the partitioned components. Here, we focus on circulant-based SC codes. Recently, the optimal overlap (OO), circulant power optimizer (CPO) approach was introduced to construct high performance SC codes for AWGN and Flash channels. The OO partitioning stage operates on the protograph of the SC code, while the CPO optimizes the circulant powers, in order to minimize the number of detrimental objects. Since the nature of detrimental objects in the graph of a code critically depends on the characteristics of the channel of interest, extending the OO-CPO approach to construct SC codes for channels with intrinsic memory is not a straightforward task. In this paper, we tackle one relevant extension; we construct high performance SC codes for practical 1-D magnetic recording channels, i.e., partial-response (PR) channels. Via combinatorial techniques, we carefully build and solve the optimization problem of the OO partitioning, focusing on the objects of interest in the case of PR channels. Then, we customize the CPO to further reduce the number of these objects in the graph of the code. SC codes designed using the OO-CPO approach for PR channels outperform prior state-of-the-art SC codes by around 3 orders of magnitude in FER and 1.1 dB in SNR, and more intriguingly, outperform structured block codes of the same length by around 1.6 orders of magnitude in FER and 0.4 dB in SNR.
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2018


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Citation Formats
A. Hareedy, H. Esfahanizadeh, A. Tan, and L. Dolecek, “Spatially-Coupled Code Design for Partial-Response Channels: Optimal Object-Minimization Approach,” presented at the 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2018, Abu Dhabi, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: