Challenges and Solutions in Planning Education Ways of Collaboration?



Challenges and innovations for sustainable access to good quality drinking water
Goodridge, Amador; Kurt, Zöhre; Nelson, Kara; Smith, Charlotte (2018-12-12)
Water is the main source of life that every single person in the world needs to survive. All Latin- American countries rely on its natural resources; much of the water used in these countries especially drinking water is retrieved from those resources. However, there is a lack of detoxification studies for its water and soil. Contamination due to agricultural activates seems to find its cause in extensive use of pesticide and herbicide which infiltrate through the water from the soil and the contamination k...
Challenges and Opportunities of Crop Biofortification
Aksoy, Emre (2019-09-11)
Challenges and opportunities in the use of ponds and pondscapes as Nature-based Solutions
Cuenca-Cambronero, M.; et. al. (2023-1-01)
Ponds and “pondscapes” (networks of ponds) are crucial habitats for biodiversity and for delivering multiple benefits to humans, so-called “Nature’s Contribution to People”, such as climate mitigation and adaptation to climate change, creation, and maintenance of habitat for biodiversity, water purification, flood mitigation and cultural benefits (e.g., recreational possibilities). However, ponds are not often considered as Nature-based Solutions to provide all these benefits. In addition, there is insuffic...
Challenges and Opportunities for Business schools in Eurasia
Yılmaz, Cengiz (null; 2016-09-09)
Challenges and conflicts in achieving sustainable communities in historic neighbourhoods of Istanbul
Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge (2011-04-01)
Although urban regeneration has been widely seen as a panacea to resolve the multi-faceted problems of cities over the last two decades, a broad section of literature suggests the need for questioning the impacts of urban regeneration projects as an integral part of neo-liberal policies. In the context of Turkey, by focusing on Istanbul, this article aims to investigate the success of the regeneration initiatives in achieving sustainable communities in deprived historic housing neighbourhoods. After definin...
Citation Formats
A. Ataöv Demirkan, E. Peker, D. Cihanger Medeıros Rıbeıro, and F. Erkal, “Challenges and Solutions in Planning Education Ways of Collaboration?,” presented at the 28th Annual AESOP CONGRESS, Utrecht, Hollanda, 2014, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: