Obituaries / Anma



Effects of hemicellulose extraction and extrusion parameters on the properties of hemicellulose based polymeric materials obtained from different lignocellulosic biomass
Erdemir, Duygu; Bölükbaşı, Ufuk; Özkan, Necati; Department of Chemical Engineering (2015)
There is growing interest worldwide in utilization of renewable sources for fuels, materials and chemicals due to depletion of fossil sources and the environmental damages of synthetic products. Lignocellulosic biomass is the most promising material to become a substitute for fossil sources because of its abundancy in nature, low price and utilization area which does not compete with the food. Biodegradable films can be produced from hemicellulosic part of biomass and their main use can be especially food p...
Enzimlerin çeşitli iletken polimer matrislerinde tutuklanması ve sensör olarak kullanılmaları
Levent, Anıl; Toppare, Levent Kamil; Kıralp, Senem; Çırpan, Ali(2005)
Çeşitli tiyofen fonksiyonlu yalıtkan polimerlerin ve monomerlerin, pirol ve tiyofen ile elektrokimyasal olarak polimerleştirme çalışmaları yapıldı. Bunun sonucunda yalıtkan polimerlerin ve monomerlerin pirol veya tiyofen ile kopolimerleri elde edildi. Ayrıca elektrokimyasal olarak üretilen polialkil tiyofenler enzim tutuklama matrisi olarak kullanıldı.Tekrarlanabilir, uzun süreli kullanılabilir özellikte ve performansından ödün vermeksizin iletken kopolimer matrislerinde tutuklanmış enzim elektrotları üreti...
Effects of injection molding conditions on the mechanical properties of polyamide/glass fiber composites
Cansever, Cahit Can; Yılmazer, Ülkü; Department of Polymer Science and Technology (2007)
In this study, effect of injection molding process parameters on fiber length and on mechanical properties of Polyamide-6 / glass fiber composite were investigated to produce higher performance composites. Polyamide-6 was first compounded with an E-grade glass fiber in a co-rotating intermeshing twin screw extruder. Then, by using this composite, twenty-five types of experiments were performed by injection molding by changing the barrel temperature, injection pressure, hold pressure, mold temperature, cooli...
Chiral seperations by enzyme enhanced ultrafiltration : fractionation ofracemic benzoin
Ölçeroğlu, Ayşe Hande; Yılmaz, Levent; Department of Chemical Engineering (2006)
In this study, a methodology for separation of chiral molecules, by using enhanced ultrafiltration system was developed. Benzoin was the model chiral molecule studied. In the scope of developing this methodology, some parameters were investigated in the preliminary ultrafiltration experiments in order to set the operation conditions for enhanced ultrafiltration experiments. Due to the slight solubility of benzoin in pure water, 15% (v/v) Polyethylene glycol (PEG 400) and 30 % (v/v) Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)...
Enzyme catalyzed cross acyloin reactions via C-C bond cleavage
Bilir, Gökçil; Özçubukçu, Salih; Department of Chemistry (2015)
Enzyme-catalysis is an effective tool for asymmetric synthesis under environmentally-friendly conditions, with an increasing number of examples at industrial scale. The optically active enzyme scaffold creates a microenvironment responsible for the chirality generation. Benzaldehyde lyase (BAL; E.C., is the first and well-known thiamine diphosphate (ThDP)- and Mg2+-dependent enzyme from Pseudomonas fluorescens Biovar I with its capability to catalyze various C-C bond cleavage and C-C bond formatio...
Citation Formats
L. Özgenel, M. H. Zelef, F. C. Bilsel, T. E. Altan, and A. O. Öztürk, “Obituaries / Anma,” ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. Volume 39, no. Issue 1, pp. v–xv, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: