Parodic engagement with (neo) slave narratives: Bernardine Evaristo's Blonde Roots & Andrea Levy's The Long Song

Sevinç, Seray
The aim of this thesis is to explore the employment of generic characteristics of slave narratives in Blonde Roots by Bernardine Evaristo and The Long Song by Andrea Levy in the light of Linda Hutcheon’s theory of parody. While Blonde Roots is examined both as a parody of slave narratives and the kind of contemporary neo-slave narratives that do not problematize the thematic conventions and formal features of slave narratives, The Long Song is studied as a parody of slave narratives. This thesis explores how and to what ends both novels parody a number of generic characteristics of slave narratives. It is argued that in both novels parody functions to reveal the shared political agenda of the writers, which is bringing the slavery past of Britain and its legacy to the fore. Additionally, this thesis contends that in Blonde Roots parody facilitates to accentuate the constructedness of race and a whole set of values related to it, whereas in The Long Song it serves as a means to empower the figure of the enslaved black subject.


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Citation Formats
S. Sevinç, “Parodic engagement with (neo) slave narratives: Bernardine Evaristo’s Blonde Roots & Andrea Levy’s The Long Song,” M.A. - Master of Arts, Middle East Technical University, 2022.