Güneşdoğdu, Ali Nuri
Collaborative robots, a.k.a cobots, are industrial robotic manipulators that have no built-in capabilities for social human-robot interaction (HRI). In the thesis, we implemented breathing for a cobot as a social behavior inspired by the secondary action animation principle. We automatically generated breathing of a cobot as HRI behavior with its waveform borrowed from human breathing; its amplitude and frequency are parametrized. We conducted a user study to measure the effect of parameters of breathing behavior on a collaborative task. During the study, we collected the task completion time to evaluate the task performance and velocities and accelerations of the hand of subjects to evaluate the task quality. We measured HRI quality using the Godspeed questionnaire. The analysis showed that a frequency similar to a human’s breathing positively impacts task performance and improves task quality; however, it did not significantly affect HRI quality. Besides, changing the amplitude of the breathing did not affect any metrics.


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Human aware navigation of a mobile robot in crowded dynamic environments
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As mobile robots start operating in dynamic environments crowded with humans, human-aware and human-like navigation is required to make these robots navigate safely, efficiently and in socially compliant manner. People can navigate in an interactive and cooperative fashion so that, they are able to find their path to a destination even if there is no clear path leading to it. This is clearly a dexterity of humans. But the mobile robots which have to navigate in such environments lack this feature. Even perf...
Citation Formats
A. N. Güneşdoğdu, “GENERATION AND ANALYSIS OF “BREATHING” AS AN HRI BEHAVIOR ON A COBOT,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.