I want to talk about that paper manuscript he started working on over the summer of 2019. The last modified date of the version we have is November 15. The paper does not have a title. He was still trying different ways to make his argument.The opening sentence of this document is “ Idaho, Wyoming and Oklahoma are three of the reddest states in the country” A few sentence later he says “Republican politicians from Wyoming, Idaho and Oklahoma are solidly Republican and yet have never attainted the top positions in the party.” He notes, “It is not for a lack of trying. A few senators from these states have tried to vault themselves into the national spotlight.” I will take it from here in a minute. First let me try to summarise my understanding of his main argument.As I see it, he was trying to open and look inside the black box of the US state with its historical evolution. His explanandum or dependent variable was the resilient nature of racism in the US politics somewhat hardwired in state institutions. His explanan or independent variable was the senate. In his more nuanced wording: “enduring persistence of senatorial racism across time, place and policy”. I am not sure if he has ever used this term for his scholarship. But I think Daniel Kato was a critical historical institutionalist.
Thinking US Politics In Memory of the Life and Work of Daniel Kato 1974 2019


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Citation Formats
A. Topal Yılmaz, “DANIEL KATO’S ENTRANCE TO EXPLAIN PERSISTENCE OF RACISM IN THE US: THE SENATE,” presented at the Thinking US Politics In Memory of the Life and Work of Daniel Kato 1974 2019, London, İngiltere, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er-TwDOm5nk.