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Technology integrated large scale professional learning community for physical education teachers: Design and implementation
İnce, Mustafa Levent
Hünük, Deniz
Öztürk, Mehmet Ata
Tannehill, Deborah
Yanik, Mehmet
Savucu, Yüksel
Kavi Şimşek, Nehir
Sarıkaya, Serap
Yılmaz, Metin
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PurposeEventough literature has highlighted the importance of the professional learning community (PLC), there isa dearth of research on the design and implementation of a large scale PLC. Two research questions guidedthis 3-year research project: (1) How can a PLC be experienced effectively with university-Ministry of NationalEducation collaboration in a provincial socio-ecologic environment? (2) What are the effects of a PLC on teachersand their students?MethodThree provinces in Turkey (east, west, and central) were chosen with the following five activities; (1) Comprehensiveneeds analysis of secondary school physical education (PE) teachers competency needs was undertaken,(2) Technology-enhanced synchronous and asynchronous LMS guided learning with the PLC, 3) Teacher facilitatorswere selected and trained to work in each province, (4) 14 PLCs were designed and facilitated over sixweeks, and (5) An impact analysis of PLC on teachers’ and the learning of their students’ learning was undertaken.ResultsFindings from this study showed that professional development in a PLC, planned based on a teacher competencyneeds analysis and using web-based training support, can be effectively disseminated throughout thecountry when provided under the leadership of trained teacher facilitators. Results also showed that the professionallearning of teachers participating in these PLCs improved and contributed to their students’ learningabout the lesson subject.The symposium would share results of three sections of the large scale research;A comprehensive needs assessment of physical education teachers in Turkey: First step toward designing qualityprofessional development opportunities.Design and implementation of a LMS for physical education teachers’ learning communitiesEffects of a large scale learning community on the physical education teachers’ and the learning of their studentsEngage the audience in discussion around the findings and implications of this work for professional developmentthat might be undertaken internationally.214
Conference Name
Aiesep Congress
Department of Physical Education and Sports, Conference / Seminar
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Citation Formats
M. L. İnce et al., “Technology integrated large scale professional learning community for physical education teachers: Design and implementation,” presented at the Aiesep Congress, Banff, Kanada, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: