Büyük Resim Okulu (Big Picture Learning School)

Keleş, Elif


Efficient analysis of large array antennas
Ovalı, Fatih; Aydın Çivi, Hatice Özlem; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2004)
Large phased array antennas are widely used in many military and commercial applications. The analysis of large arrays containing many antenna or frequency-selective (FSS) surface elements is inefficient or intractable when brute force numerical methods are used. For the efficient analysis of such structures hybrid methods (analytic and numerical, numerical and numerical) can be used. In this thesis, a hybrid method combining the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) and the moment method (MoM) us...
Büyük veri ve kamu politikaları
Okuyucu, Aras; Yavuz, Nilay (Gazi Yayın Dağıtım, 2020-02-01)
Geological, hydrogeological and geochemical analysis of the geothermal systems in The Büyük Menderes Graben
Güdücü, Hatice; Karahanoğlu, Nurkan; Department of Geological Engineering (2012)
Geothermal reservoirs have become very popular in the last decades due to their renewable energy contents. Turkey has a high geothermal energy potential; especially Western Anatolia is a promising region in terms of its highest energy. Büyük Menderes Graben system is a tectonically active extensional region and is undergoing a N–S extension leading to form geothermal fields in the graben. In the last decade, geothermal exploration, investigations and investments have been increased rapidly through the law r...
Search for Z’ via forward backward asymmetry in dielectron channel with the CMS detector at the large hadron collider
Şahin, Mehmet Özgür; Serin, Meltem; Zeyrek, Mehmet Tevfik; Department of Physics (2012)
In this thesis, analysis of the forward backward asymmetry of high energy electron pairs at the CMS - LHC with a centre of mass energy of 7 TeV is presented and the possibility of search for a new neutral weak boson Z’ via measuring the forward backward asymmetry AFB of high energy electron pairs is discussed. The forward backward asymmetry is a natural result of the interference between the neutral current mediators: Photon and Z boson. A new neutral gauge boson would also interfere with these mediators an...
Büyük Karaçay Barajı ve HES için olasılıksal sismik tehlike analizi
Yunatçı, A. Anıl; Çetin, Kemal Önder (2007-05-30)
Citation Formats
E. Keleş and M. TURHAN, Büyük Resim Okulu (Big Picture Learning School). 2022.