Digital Transformation and Openness in the Turkish Higher Education System

Bozkurt, Aras
Aydın, Cengiz Hakan
Kondakçı, Yaşar
This chapter introduces openness in education and open educational resources (OER) in Turkey. To better understand and conceptualize the Turkish case, there is a need to briefly introduce Turkish HE and how openness is perceived by Turkish Society. By 2021, the total population of Turkey is around 85 million and approximately 10% of its population (around 8 million) attends higher education (HE). HE in Turkey is delivered through face-to-face, distance, and open education modalities. In this context, it should be noted that due to Turkish regulations, there are distinct differences in the definition of distance education and open education. Accordingly, open education offers open admissions with minimal entry requirements and flexible learning opportunities (e.g., self-paced, attendance is not required), on the other hand, distance education offers partly flexible admissions (e.g., predefined entry requirements, attendance is required, students should pay for the courses). The demand for HE is high, but the number of accepted students is relatively low compared to the total demand. As such, open education is a viable solution for the Turkish HE system.


Information Age Qualities of Principals Teachers and Students in Turkish Vocational High Schools A Systemic Change Approach
Delialioğlu, Ömer (2011-10-04)
This study is interested in information age qualities of principles, teachers and students in Turkish Vocational High Schools. A readiness to systemic change survey was used as the measuring tool for the information age qualities. The survey was implemented to 7 schools and there was a total participation of 29 teachers and 282 students. The data obtained from the administration of the measuring instrument was analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings of the readiness survey in...
Higher education policy in Turkey under globalization
Bayırbağ, Mustafa Kemal (Routledge, 2018-01-01)
This paper concentrates on the tensions shaping the higher education policy (HEP) in Turkey during the 2000s. It is argued that the higher education scenario in Turkey has been characterized by four major tensions between related policy goals, all of which stem from globalization. These conflicting goals, it is further argued, produce a set of policy impasses that block the way to a much needed, comprehensive HE reform in Turkey. The impasses include the following: a) Promotion of social justice (via increa...
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Erbaş, Ayhan Kürşat (2008-01-01)
The mathematics education curriculum in Turkey is in the midst of a period of intensive reform. This article investigates the extent to which teachers implement the updated 6th grade mathematics curriculum through their self-reports and if their level of use differs according to the province where the school is located, teachers' gender, level of education, teaching experience and number of students in their classrooms. Furthermore, teachers' opinions about the new curriculum and the difficulties faced by t...
Technology utilisation in elementary schools in Turkey's capital: a case study
Karaca, Feride; Can, Gülfidan; Yıldırım, İbrahim Soner (Informa UK Limited, 2013-12-01)
A case study was conducted to explore teachers' current technology use in elementary schools in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. The data were collected through a survey, and participants included 1030 classroom teachers across eight districts. The present study results revealed that significant challenges remain with regard to technology use in the classroom, even in the capital of Turkey, where teachers have advantages in terms of technology access and use compared to rural areas. The participant teachers u...
Discourse functions of students' and teachers' code-switching in EFL classrooms : a case study in a Turkish university
Ataş, Ufuk; Sağın Şimşek, Sultan Çiğdem; Department of English Language Teaching (2012)
This study aims to analyze the discourse functions of code-switching used by the students and the teachers in EFL classrooms in a Turkish university. Another aim of this study is to find out the forms of code-switching used by the teachers and students and compare the amount and functions of these code-switching usages in different levels. In the light of these aims, two advanced classes, two pre-intermediate classes and one intermediate class were observed and video recorded. The data obtained from these r...
Citation Formats
A. Bozkurt, C. H. Aydın, and Y. Kondakçı, Digital Transformation and Openness in the Turkish Higher Education System. 2022.