Active control strategies for four wheel steering vehicle

Menteş, Ömür


Active motor damping strategy for driveline vibrations of a hybrid electric vehicle during ABS operation
Bayar, Kerem (2022-01-01)
Torsional drivetrain vibrations in hybrid and electric drivetrains, which occur during traction and braking control, are commonly encountered. This problem occurs mainly due to the weak damping characteristic of the hybrid/electric drivetrain and the fast time response characteristics of the electric motor. An active motor damping (AMD) control algorithm for a hybrid electric vehicle, considering ABS braking maneuvers on different road conditions, is developed in this work. The control problem is structured...
Active Control of Smart Fin Model for Aircraft Buffeting Load Alleviation Applications
Chen, Yong; Ulker, Fatma Demet; Nalbantoglu, Volkan; Wickramasinghe, Viresh; Zimcik, David; Yaman, Yavuz (2009-11-01)
Following the program to lest a hybrid actuation system for high-agility aircraft buffeting load alleviation oil the full-scale F/A-18 vertical fin structure, an investigation has been performed to understand the aerodynamic effects of high-speed vortical flows on the dynamic characteristics of vertical fin structures. Extensive wind-tunnel tests have been conducted on a scaled model fill integrated with piezoelectric actuators and accelerometers to measure file aft-tip vibration responses under various fre...
Active compliance control structure design for a robotic-grinding machine
Dönder, Abdülhamit; Konukseven, Erhan İlhan; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2017)
Grinding operation has an advantage of precise form shaping in machining processes. However, if the surface profile is not known before the machining process, it is hard to obtain an accurate surface profile using a grinding operation. In this work, a novel method to compensate the form shaping errors in grinding operations due to the lack of a priori knowledge of the surface profile will be presented. Grinding operation on a workpiece with an unknown surface profile is aimed. Compliance force control is im...
Active Compliance Control Structure Design for a Robotic Grinding Machine Using a Piezo Actuator
Dönder, Abdülhamit; Konukseven, Erhan İlhan (null; 2016-07-12)
Active Flutter Control of a Smart Fin
Fatih Mutlu, Karadal; Volkan, Nalbantoğlu; Şahin, Melin; Güçlü, Seber; Ömer Faruk, Kırcalı; Yaman, Yavuz (null; 2008-10-06)
This study presents the theoretical analysis of an active flutter suppression methodology applied on a smart fin. The smart fin consisted of a cantilever aluminum plate-like structure with surface bonded piezoelectric (PZT, Lead- Zirconate-Titanate) patches. The robust controllers were designed via H∞ synthesis by considering both SISO (Single-Input, Single-Output) and MIMO Multi-Input, Multi-Output) aeroelastic system models. The developed controllers performed well around the flutter point and also stabil...
Citation Formats
Ö. Menteş, “Active control strategies for four wheel steering vehicle,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.