Emotional Reflexivity in Social Work with Refugees: Implications from Turkey

Reflexivity refers to the process of taking the role of others and evaluating oneself from the other's perspective in the general sense (Rosenberg, 1990). Using reflexivity while conducting research and working with complex issues such as trauma, assault, and abuse assist researchers and employees to be self-aware and reflective of the meaning-making process. This research aims to examine the role of emotional reflexivity for staff working with refugees. Therefore, emotional experiences resulting from engaging with issues of trauma and cultural diversity are analyzed in the scope of emotional reflexivity. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 participants working at different NGOs and of different ages. There are mainly two themes that emerged from the data analysis: praxis and reflexivity. Theme called praxis has two codes as advocacy and reflective action. Theme referred to as reflexivity has three codes: psychological awareness, social distance, wider social and political context, and coping strategies. This study reveals the emotional experiences and the needs of the NGO workers engaging issues with trauma and diversity.
Migration Letters


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Citation Formats
D. Özel, “Emotional Reflexivity in Social Work with Refugees: Implications from Turkey,” Migration Letters, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 843–854, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85143149060&origin=inward.