Genç Homoseksüel Kız Vakası



Genç Homoseksüel Kız Vakası
Uçar, Selin (Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 2021-12-01)
Genç Sıçanlarda Mekansal Bellekteki Bireysel Varyasyonun Moleküler Temelinin Araştırılması
Adalı, Orhan(2012)
Inheritance of wood specific gravity and its genetic correlation with growth traits in young pinus brutia progenies
Yıldırım, Kubilay; Kaya, Zeki; Department of Biotechnology (2008)
In long term, to discover the genes responsible for wood production, genetic control of wood specific gravity (WSG) in Pinus brutia Ten. (Turkish red pine) open pollinated Ceyhan progeny trial, which was established with the seeds collected from 168 clones originated from six clonal Turkish red pine seed orchards was studied. Wood samples were taken by destructive sampling during the rouging of this trial at the age of seven. Specifically; (1) to examine the magnitude of family differences and its component...
Tracing the footsteps of the young Leibniz in the labyrinth of the continuum
Ebetürk, Emre; Parkan, Barış; Department of Philosophy (2008)
This study is an attempt to explicate Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz’s search for a way out of the labyrinth of the continuum in his early years of philosophizing. The main motive of the study is the belief that it would be worthwhile to see how Leibniz initially goes into the labyrinth and comes across with the riddles contained in it. Accordingly, this thesis is intended to discuss what the problem of the composition of the continuum is for the young Leibniz, which concepts and metaphysical problems are as...
Genç Yetişkinlikte Ayrılık: Romantik İlişkilerde Ayrılık Nedenlerinin Incelenmesi
Terzi, Hilal (2022-06-30)