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Subaqueous paleoseismological investigation in the varved sediments of Köyceğiz Lake (SW Anatolia)
Doğan, Ayşegül
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Although on-fault trenching has been the most common paleoseismological technique, the number of lacustrine paleoseismic investigations has considerably increased in the last two decades. Lacustrine paleoseismology research commonly focuses on Mass Wasting Deposits (MWD) and Soft Sediment Deformation Structures (SSDS). Catchment Response (CR), which is defined as temporary amplification of erosion rates in catchments due to strong ground motions, is another sedimentary trace of paleoearthquakes in lakes. This study investigates paleoseismic evidences in varved sediments of Köyceğiz lake along 19 gravity cores with lengths ranging between 98.80 and 138.70 cm. High-resolution elemental profiles together with optical images were obtained by ITRAX micro-XRF scanner. Varve chronology was generated based on both ITRAX optical and XRF data along one core and the other cores were stratigraphically correlated by using Ca/Ti profiles. It is observed that there is no MWDs in the cores although the region has been experienced several noticeable earthquakes during the last ca. 600 years. The CR due to 1959 earthquake is clearly detected in all of the cores as distinct anomalies along the Cr/Ti profiles. However, the CRs due to earthquakes in mid-19th century are observed only in the northern basin of which catchment is significantly bigger than the one of southern basin. SSDS in Köyceğiz sediments contains faults, intraclast breccia and laminae disturbances. Besides numerous SSDS temporally correlating with the earthquakes in the region, many other SSDS that are not correlating to neither each other nor earthquakes were also detected. This observation implies that earthquakes may not induce SSDS not only at the water/sediment interface but also in the deeper parts of the sequence. It was also found that, in addition to peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground displacement (PGD) due to earthquakes may be a controlling factor on the formation of SSDS.
Subject Keywords
Lacustrine paleoseismology
Köyceğiz lake
Soft sediment deformation
ITRAX micro-XRF scanning
Multiple cores
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
A. Doğan, “Subaqueous paleoseismological investigation in the varved sediments of Köyceğiz Lake (SW Anatolia),” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2023.