An interview study on open high school students perceptions of science TV programmes

Uzer, Aynur


An associational study on pre-service early childhood teachers' nature relatedness in education for sustainability
Şahin, Elvan (Informa UK Limited, 2019-10-02)
There is significant global concern with current environmental problems, yet people's behaviour towards the environment has been resistant to change. Young people have the opportunity to bring about desirable changes through environmental behaviours and attitudes. The goal of this study is to better understand the scope of nature relatedness as an attribution interacting with pro-environmental behaviours for Turkish pre-service early childhood teachers. We examined the associations between the domains repre...
A Case study on how public primary schools promote health
Çetintürk, Arzu; Akar, Hanife; Department of Social Policy (2013)
The main drive of this study is to investigate how urban public primary schools promote health in Turkey with a qualitative study conducted in a middle-sized urban school, in Ankara. The current health promotion practices in Turkish urban public primary schools were examined through a case study utilizing semi-structured interviews conducted with 9 classroom teachers, 2 school administrators, 2 parents that are parent-teacher association members and 2 canteen operators. In addition, a classroom activity was...
A study about Social Gender Inequality and Social Gender Roles in 5th Grade Maathematics and Social Sciences Textbooks
Kandilli, Ece; Gökalp, Gökçe (2020-09-10)
Akademik dergilerin yayın kurullarında toplumsal cinsiyet temsiliyeti: Eğitim alanı örneği
Göktürk Ağın, Duygun (2022-02-01)
Bilimsel üretim süreçlerinde toplumsal cinsiyet, bilimsel üretkenlik, tanınırlık arasındaki ilişkiye yönelik mevcut literatür akademideki hiyerarşik yapılanmayı, bilimde tabakalaşmayı ve eşitsizlik biçimlerini tartışmaya açmaktadır. Bilimsel üretim süreçleri farklı eşitsizlik formlarını içermekte ve yeniden üretici mekanizmalar ile devamlılığını mümkün kılmaktadır. Bilimsel problemin tanımlanma sürecinin aktif ve sürekli öznelerinin kimler olduğu ve kimlerin temsiliyetinin bu süreçte varlığını tesis etmekte...
An Evaluative Case Study on Investigating Preschool Teachers' Views on Philosophy with Children
Koyuncu, Emine Deniz; Demircan, Hasibe Özlen (2022-01-01)
The purpose of this evaluative case study was to examine preschool teachers' views on the Philosophy with Children approach and its use in early childhood education through the Philosophy with Children experience. In this study, 11 preschool teachers participated in Philosophy with Children sessions for ten weeks, and then later attempted to implement the PwC approach in their educational environment at least twice. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, basically before and after the 1...
Citation Formats
A. Uzer, “An interview study on open high school students perceptions of science TV programmes,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.