Effects of a single dose of garlic administration on maximum oxygen consumption of college endurance athletes

İnal, Deniz


Effects of High Dose Oral Creatine Supplementation on Anaerobic Capacity of Elite Wrestlers
Koçak, Mehmet Settar (2003-01-01)
Aim. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of high dose oral creatine supplementation on anaerobic capacity of elite wrestlers. Methods. Experimental design: comparative randomized design. Setting: Wingate anaerobic tests of the participants were taken at the Human Performance Laboratory of the Department of Physical Education and Sports in The Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Participant: 20 active international level wrestlers participated (22 to 27 years old). Interven...
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Karlı, Ümid; Koçak, Settar; Department of Physical Education and Sports (1999)
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Korkmaz, Mehmet; Uzgoren, Engin; Bakirdere, Sezgin; Aydin, Firat; Ataman, Osman Yavuz (2007-02-01)
Recent evidence indicates that boron and borates may have anticarcinogenic properties. In this study, we have investigated the incidence of adverse cytological findings in cervical smears and the micronucleus (MN) frequency in women living in boron-rich and boron-poor regions. Cervical smears were prepared from 1059 women with low socioeconomic status; 472 of the women lived in relatively boron-rich rural areas, while 587 lived in relatively boron-poor regions. The average and standard deviation values for ...
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Citation Formats
D. İnal, “Effects of a single dose of garlic administration on maximum oxygen consumption of college endurance athletes,” Middle East Technical University, 1995.