Corrosion of N-80 steel in an environment containing sulphate-Reducing bacteria

Javaherdashti, Reza


Corrosion of a drilling pipe steel in an environment containing sulphate-reducing bacteria
Sarioglu, F; Javaherdashti, R; Aksoz, N (1997-09-01)
In this study, the microbiologically influenced corrosion caused by sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) has been studied. The material tested was a drilling pipe steel designated as N-80. Weight loss studies and potential measurements were carried out in two types of culturing solutions, with and without SRB inoculated. From weight loss studies, corrosion rate in SRB inoculated solution has been found to be roughly six fold greater than that in the medium without SRB. Also under the investigated conditions, th...
Corrosion of N-80 type steel by CO2 / formation fluid mixtures
Cilingiroglu, Safiye Seza; Selçuk, Nevin; Department of Chemical Engineering (1993)
Contamination of the cement raw material in a quarry site by seawater intrusion, Darica-Turkey
Çamur, Mehmet Zeki (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2008-02-01)
The open pit mining nearby shoreline is planned to be extended into below sea level in order to use additional reserves of the cement raw material (marl). The raw material is currently contaminated by seawater intrusion below a depth of 20 m up to the distance of 90 m from shoreline. Seawater intrusion related contamination of the material used for the cement production was investigated by means of diffusion process for the future two below sea level mining scenarios covering 43 years of period. According t...
Bending of graded curved bars at elastic limits and beyond
ARSLAN, ERAY; Eraslan, Ahmet Nedim (2013-03-01)
Analytical and computational models are developed to predict the stress response of functionally graded curved bars under pure bending in elastic and partially plastic states of stress. In the analytical model, the modulus of elasticity and in the computational model, both the modulus of elasticity and the hardening parameter of the bar material are assumed to vary in the radial direction. The analytical model is based on Tresca's yield criterion, its associated flow rule and ideal plastic material behavior...
Vibration of beams with multiple open cracks subjected to axial force
Binici, Barış (Elsevier BV, 2005-10)
A new method is proposed to obtain the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes of beams containing multiple cracks and subjected to axial force. Cracks are assumed to introduce local flexibility changes and are modeled as rotational springs. The method uses one set of end conditions as initial parameters for determining the mode shape functions. Satisfying the continuity and jump conditions at crack locations, mode shape functions of the remaining parts are determined. Other set of boundary conditions yields a sec...
Citation Formats
R. Javaherdashti, “Corrosion of N-80 steel in an environment containing sulphate-Reducing bacteria,” Middle East Technical University, 1993.