Application of light cone qcd sum rules to hadron physics

Özpineci, Altuğ


Leading twist light cone distrubution amplitudes of P-wave heavy quarkonia and their couplings to pseudoscalar and vector mesons
Olpak, Mehmet Ali; Özpineci, Altuğ; Department of Physics (2016)
The problem analyzed in this work is the calculation of the coupling of L = 1 axial-vector heavy quarkonia to vector and pseudo-scalar open flavor mesons. Calculations are based on light-cone QCD sum rules, with inputs from indepen- dently performed quark model calculations for the analysis of radially excited states. Those couplings are of interest for being inputs for effective theory calcu- lations on the quark content and transitions of axial-vector Xc/b mesons. Results involve profiles for the light-co...
Dizvay, Isin; Çulfaz Emecen, Pınar Zeynep; Department of Chemical Engineering (2022-2-11)
Membrane separations become prominent as green techology is taking over. Besides many traditional separation processes being replaced with membrane applications, many potentials are discovered to be transformed. Petrochemical industry is one of the fields with many potentials. This study includes two different membrane applications on different processes in petrochemical industry. Vast amount of produced water from oil fields requires a number of separation processes to be disposed properly or to be reused...
The physics of the light-beauty quark systems
Demir, Durmuş Ali; Pak, Namık Kemal; Department of Physics (1995)
Critique of eurocentrism in kadro journal
Eren, Ali Kemal; Şen, Mustafa; Department of Sociology (2019)
Considering the history of the interactions between Turkey and the western countries, it might be stated that a substantial intellectual accumulation had been formed from the last two centuries of the Ottoman Empire until the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. In parallel with the modernization steps undertaken, a remarkable anti-western discourse has been formed among the Turkish intelligentsia. The emergent reaction to the West, which has lasted for at least two and a half centuries under several forms...
A QCD analysis of high energy neutrino-nucleon interactions
Gamsızkan, Halil; Serin, Meltem; Department of Physics (2003)
In this thesis, a leading-order QCD analysis of structure functions in neutrinonucleon interactions is performed. From the CCFR nucleon structure function data, the QCD parameter Lambda has been extracted. This measurement also corresponds to a measurement of the strong coupling constant. Two fits to the data have been performed, the nonsinglet-only fit and the singlet-nonsinglet combined fit. The result for Lambda was found to be 289 +62 Ł59 ʹ76 MeV, where the errors are statistical and systematical, respe...
Citation Formats
A. Özpineci, “Application of light cone qcd sum rules to hadron physics,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2001.