Flora of Middle East Technical University Campus (Ankara)

Baş, Zübeyde Bilge


Leaf micromorphology of the family Plumbaginaceae in Turkey
Sayar, İpek; Doğan, Musa; Department of Biology (2022-9-2)
Turkey is located in the region where the species belonging to the Plumbaginaceae family mostly spread and it also hosts important endemic species. This study aimed to carry out the leaf micromorphological characteristics of the species belonging to the Plumbaginaceae family collected from Turkey. In this study, the surface micromorphology of the dried leaf samples of 9 Limonium, 3 Acantholimon, 2 Armeria and 1 Plumbago species were collected by different researchers from all over Turkey and kept at the Pla...
Plant biotechnology in Turkey
Oeem, H. A. (2004-09-17)
Turkey's land area is 752 million square km. Of this land area 36% is cultivated and 6% is irrigated. 30% is covered with shrubs and forests. Major agricultural production is composed of (in million Ha): cereals (13.7), industrial plants (cotton, sugar beet, sunflower, tobacco) (2.65), legumes (1.6) and others (mainly vegetables and fruit trees). In Turkey, plant biotechnology research is conducted mainly by the universities and also by governmental agricultural research institutes. Total number of universi...
Flower Pollination Algorithm for Slope Stability Analysis
ÖCAL, ARDA; Sarıçiçek, Yılmaz Emre; Pekcan, Onur (Springer Singapore, 2021-01-01)
Leaf anatomy of Agropyron Gaertn. (Gramineae) in Turkey
Mavi, D. Ozlem; Doğan, Musa; Cabi, Evren (2011-01-01)
Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. is represented by 2 subspecies in Turkey, namely subsp. incanum (Nabelek) Melderis and subsp. pectinatum (M.Bieb.) Tzvelev. This study examines the taxonomic significance of the leaf properties of the taxa of Agropyron Gaertn., comprising diagnostic anatomical features obtained from leaf transverse sections as well as leaf surface micromorphology. Results of the study show that most of the characters, such as the shape of the leaf blades; the size and number of stomata; the ...
Ozler, Hulya; Cabi, Evren; Us, Ebru; Doğan, Musa; Pehlivan, Sevil (2009-06-01)
Pollen morphology of Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertner. s.s. (subsp. incanum (Nabelek) Melderis and subsp. pectinatum (M. Bieb.) Tzvelev, latter including var. pectinatum and var. imbricatum (Roemer & Schultes) G. Beck) in Turkey has been studied by using light microscope and scanning electron microscope. The above-mentioned taxa are homogenous in both aperture type and exine ornamentation. Pollen grains are monoporate (rarely diporate in the case of var. imbricatum) having scabrate grouped exine surface. T...
Citation Formats
Z. B. Baş, “Flora of Middle East Technical University Campus (Ankara),” Middle East Technical University, 2001.