Development of a three dimensional object-oriented navier-stokes solver using two-equation turbulence models

El Khoury, Michel


Development of a three dimensional object-oriented navier-stokes solver using C++ programming language
Haliloğlu, Mehmet Umut; Aksel, M.Haluk; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2000)
Development of a two-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver for laminar flows using cartesian grids
Şahin, Mehmet Serkan; Aksel, Mehmet Haluk; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2011)
A fully automated Cartesian/Quad grid generator and laminar flow solver have been developed for external flows by using C++. After defining the input geometry by nodal points, adaptively refined Cartesian grids are generated automatically. Quadtree data structure is used in order to connect the Cartesian cells to each other. In order to simulate viscous flows, body-fitted quad cells can be generated optionally. Connectivity is provided by cut and split cells such that the intersection points of Cartesian ce...
Development of a multigrid accelerated euler solver on adaptively refined two- and three-dimensional cartesian grids
Çakmak, Mehtap; Aksel, Mehmet Haluk; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2009)
Cartesian grids offer a valuable option to simulate aerodynamic flows around complex geometries such as multi-element airfoils, aircrafts, and rockets. Therefore, an adaptively-refined Cartesian grid generator and Euler solver are developed. For the mesh generation part of the algorithm, dynamic data structures are used to determine connectivity information between cells and uniform mesh is created in the domain. Marching squares and cubes algorithms are used to form interfaces of cut and split cells. Geome...
Development of a 2d discrete turbulent adjoint solver using automatic differentiation
Kaya, Halil; Tuncer, İsmail Hakkı; Tiftikci, Hakan (null; 2019-09-18)
This paper presents an implementation of discrete adjoint solver using an automatic differentiation tool for a two-dimensional Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) finite volume solver. Moreover, automatic differentiation tool is also utilized calculating flux Jacobian required by implicit finite volume solver. The developed RANS adjoint solver is computationally efficient and accurate. In the present implementation, the time required for the calculation of adjoint variables is comparable to the time requ...
Development of an incompressible navier-stokes solver with alternating cell direction implicit method on structured and unstructured quadrilateral grids
Baş, Onur; Tuncer, İsmail Hakkı; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2007)
In this research, the Alternating Cell Direction Implicit method is used in temporal discretisation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and compared with the well known and widely used Point Gauss Seidel scheme on structured and quadrilateral unstructured meshes. A two dimensional, laminar and incompressible Navier-Stokes solver is developed for this purpose using the artificial compressibility formulation. The developed solver is used to obtain steady-state solutions with implicit time stepping m...
Citation Formats
M. El Khoury, “Development of a three dimensional object-oriented navier-stokes solver using two-equation turbulence models,” Middle East Technical University, 2001.