Department of Mining Engineering

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Entity Type
Thesis (495)
Publication (468)
Project (46)
Open Course (1)

Has File(s)
No (609)
Yes (401)

Karpuz, Celal (80)
Altun, Naci Emre (70)
Demirel, Nuray (63)
Öztürk, Hasan (44)
Düzgün, Hafize Şebnem (38)

Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (48)
Mining engineering. (43)
Geology (21)
General Chemical Engineering (20)
Fuel Technology (18)

Date Issued
1965 - 1979 (106)
1980 - 1999 (269)
2000 - 2019 (551)
2020 - 2025 (84)

Item Type
Master Thesis (402)
Journal Article (221)
Conference Paper (158)
Ph.D. Thesis (93)
Project (23)

Recent Submissions

Enhancing Safety in U.S. Coal Mines Through a Rib Support Recommendation Tool
Kirmaci, Alper; Wijesinghe, Dakshith Ruvin; Guner, Dogukan; Karadeniz, Kutay Emre; Mitchell, Cameron; Sherizadeh, Taghi (2025-01-01)
Despite ongoing efforts to enhance coal rib stability, the underground coal mining sector continues to face incidents of rib failure, leading to injuries and fatalities. The development and validation of effective rib supp...
Determination of Optimal Fleet Equipment to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions in an Open Pit Coal Mine
Aytaç, Şahabettin Mert; Erkayaoğlu, Mustafa (2025-01-01)
Coal mining has a crucial role in electricity generation as one of the essential cornerstones of sustainable development. The environmental impacts dominated by the fuel consumption of mobile equipment in both surface and ...
Failure Analysis of Abutment-Loaded Underground Coal Mine Stoppings during Explosion
Karadeniz, Kutay E.; Güner, Doğukan; Sherizadeh, Taghi (2024-06-01)
Underground mine structures like mine seals or built-in-place (BIP) refuge alternatives (RA) are exposed to specific loadings like explosions because of overlying and underlying strata conditions. Previous studies worked o...
Geomechanical Monitoring of an Underground Bulk Mining Operation Using a Novel Distributed Optical Fiber Strain Sensing Method
Nowak, Samuel; Sherizadeh, Taghi; Esmaeelpour, Mina; Brooks, Paul; Guner, Dogukan; Karadeniz, Kutay Emre; Wurst, Gunnar; Kirmaci, Alper (2024-06-01)
As mines continue to deepen and become more expansive, active monitoring of larger volumes of rock mass will become more critical to calibrate numerical simulations and to ensure the safety of underground workers. Monitori...
Determination of Skilled Worker Requirements for Maintenance Departments Under Stochastic Failure Mode Conditions
Şahiner, Şahin Furkan; Gölbaşı, Onur (2024-05-11)
Numerical back analysis of an underground bulk mining operation using distributed optical fiber sensors for model calibration
Nowak, Samuel; Sherizadeh, Taghi; Esmaeelpour, Mina; Brooks, Paul; Guner, Dogukan; Karadeniz, Kutay Emre (2024-03-01)
Numerical modeling of complex underground engineering projects such as caverns, tunnels, and bulk mining zones is an essential part of the design phase. Large-scale models require significant reductions in complexity from ...
Investigation on Gold Dissolution Performance and Mechanism in Imidazolium Cyanate Ionic Liquids
Zhang, Na; Zhang, Yuxin; Liu, Zhengyu; Liu, Ziyuan; Sun, Chunbao; Altun, Naci Emre; Kou, Jue (2024-02-18)
To explore green gold leaching reagents, a series of imidazolium cyanate ionic liquids (ILs), 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium cyanate ([C2MIM][OCN]), 1-propyl-3-methyl-imidazolium cyanate ([C3MIM][OCN]) and 1-butyl-3-methyl-i...
Simulation-based optimization of workforce configuration for multi-division maintenance departments
Gölbaşı, Onur; Sahiner, Sahin Furkan (2024-02-01)
The configuration of human resources in a production company that determines the number of employees at different technical or nontechnical competencies engaged in various operational tasks should be constructed to meet th...
İş Kazalarını Önlemede Erken Uyarıların Önemi: Öncü Göstergeler
MEVSİM, Rıdvan; Demirel, Nuray (2024-01-28)
Bu çalışmada, günümüz güvenlik bilimi teori ve pratiğinde git gide artan bir önem kazanan öncü göstergeler ele alınmıştır. Öncü güvenlik göstergelerinin işyerlerinde etkin kullanımının ve iş güvenliği performansının temel ...
Water footprint assessment of mining and processing of gold in Turkey
Guney, Emre; Demirel, Nuray (2024-01-01)
This study aims to identify critical points by calculating the water footprint (WF) of a mine and assessing the environmental impact of this water usage. Utilising the Water Footprint Assessment (WFA) methodology for criti...
Gravity-based pre-concentration strategies for complex rare earth ore containing niobium and zirconium
Zhou, Mingliang; Li, Lixia; Liu, Feifei; Liu, Zhichao; Altun, Naci Emre; Yuan, Zhitao; Liu, Jiongtian (2024-01-01)
The Balzhe rare earth mine, renowned for its rich reservoirs of niobium, zirconium, and rare earth elements, poses a unique challenge due to its diverse and interbedded mineral composition. Despite the abundance of these e...
Ulusoy Tasar, Aslı (2024-01-01)
Optimizing rare earth element beneficiation using response surface methodology and Knelson concentrator
Li, Lixia; Zhou, Mingliang; Liu, Feifei; Liu, Zhe; Altun, Naci Emre; Yuan, Zhitao; Liu, Jiongtian (2024-01-01)
The beneficiation of rare earth elements is a crucial process in unlocking the potential of these valuable resources. This study investigates the utilization of response surface methodology in optimizing rare earth benefic...
Molecular dynamics simulations of the solubility and conformation change of chitosan grafted polyacrylamide: Impact of grafting rate
Zhao, Wei; Zou, Wenjie; Liu, Fengyang; Zhou, Fang; Altun, Naci Emre (2024-01-01)
Graft modification is an effective approach to improve the water solubility and molecular weight of chitosan. This work investigated the effect of grafting rate on water solubility of chitosan-grafted polyacrylamide (Chi-g...
Using Of Discrete Event Simulation For Digital Twinning Of Mining Operations
Aytaç, Şahabettin Mert; Erkayaoğlu, Mustafa (2023-12-01)
Yer Altındaki Kömür Madenlerinde Metan Konsantrasyonunun Tahmininde Derin Öğrenme Algoritmasının Performansını Artırmak İçin Özellik Mühendisliği Yaklaşımı
Doğan, Hasan Ekin; Demirel, Nuray (2023-12-01)
Çalıkoğlu, Ahmet Furkan; Güngör, Zeliha Selin; İnci, Nail Atacan; Gürcü, Mustafa; Erkayaoğlu, Mustafa (2023-12-01)
Simulation-Based Optimization of Maintenance Crew Configuration in Mining Sites
Şahiner, Şahin Furkan; Gölbaşı, Onur (2023-11-28)
Madencilik sektörü, insan kaynağı, kanıtlanmış rezerv ve ekipman filosu gibi kısıtlı kaynakların verimliveetkileşimliolarakkullanılmasınıgerektirenbirüretimsektörüdür.Madencilik şirketleri,maksimum üretkenlik ve verimliliğ...
A Fault-Tree Integrated Simulation Methodology to Evaluate Deviations Between Short- And Long-Term Production Plans
Tekbey, Tolga Batuhan; Gölbaşı, Onur (2023-11-28)
Production Sequence Analysis of an Overhand Cut-And-Fill Mine in a Narrow-Vein Type Orebody Using Numerical Modeling
Yardımcı, Ahmet Güneş; Erkayaoğlu, Mustafa (2023-10-09)
Excavation-induced stresses have the potential to trigger instabilities around underground openings due to disturbance of the pre-mining stress field. Production sequence is a critical aspect in underground mining as it co...
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