Demise of the social subject and the constitutions of self : rereading Michel Foucault.

Tekelioğlu, Orhan


Transformation of social and political demands through ballot box: from los Indignados to Podemos
Bedir, Nurdan Selay; Göksel Uçak, Asuman; Department of European Studies (2017)
After 2008 crisis, alternative remedies and resistance against this age’s predominant neoliberal policies have been sought in many states and societies. Europeans harshly encountered with the crisis and governments’ and the EU’s crisis management policies raised multilateral and multilevel struggles like: the Pots and Pans Revolution in Iceland (2009), the Geração à Rasca in Portugal (2011), the Indignant Citizens Movement in Greece (2010), and los Indignados (15M) in Spain (2011). These movements had world...
Relationship between values and culture
Dirilen, Özlem; Sümer, Nebi; Department of European Studies (2006)
The objectives of the present study were (1) to examine the relationship between culture and value concepts, (2) to compare Post-communist Turkic students studying in Turkish universities and Turkish university students based on their value structures, and (3) to attempt to integrate Triandis’ and Schwartz’s conceptualizations of culture. The sample of this study consisted of Turkish university students (N=292) and Post-communist Turkic students studying in Turkish universities (N=299). Individualism-Collec...
Leakage current and energy efficiency analyses of single phase grid connected multi-kva transformerless photovoltaic inverters
Özkan, Ziya; Hava, Ahmet Masum; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2012)
In order to inject solar power to the utility grid, among various types of inverters, Grid Connected Transformerless Solar Inverters (GCTSI) are mostly preferred for residential or commercial applications. This preference is because of the high energy efficiency and low cost due to the absence of a line frequency or a high frequency transformer. Peak value of the efficiency characteristics of GCTSIs can reach 98%, which are selected topology, component optimization, switching strategy and operating conditio...
The democratic deficit of the European Union : an institutionalist approach
Kodakcı, Devrim; Gitmez, Ali; Department of European Studies (2004)
This thesis analyses the democratic deficit problem of the European Union in a historical context. As the Union develops from a purely economic community into political and social entity, its democratic credentials are put into question. In this thesis, it is argued that technocratic and elitist institutional structure of the Union causes this democratic deficit. Therefore, in order to rectify it and make the Union more legitimate in the eyes of its citizens, the institutions of the Union should be re-struc...
Spatial variation of elderly population and its dynamics in Turkey
Şenbil, Metin; Yetişkul Şenbil, Emine (2021-10-01)
As the world population is getting older, care for elderly and procurement to their special needs gains importance for both national and local governments. Therefore, distribution of elderly population and their (residential) mobility behaviours gains importance to improve policies coupled in this respect. However, although demographic processes can easily be monitored and projected over time for a country, estimating distribution of certain population cohorts over space (elderly population in our case) ent...
Citation Formats
O. Tekelioğlu, “Demise of the social subject and the constitutions of self : rereading Michel Foucault.,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1993.