Studies of the dissociation fragments of N2/5 and the gj measurement of metastable S2 atomic oxygen.

İncesu, Tuncay


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Spatial sensitivity of seismic hazard results to background seismic activity models
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In the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, the past earthquake records that can not be associated with any one of the specific faults are treated as background seismic activity. Contribution of background seismic activity to seismic hazard is generally calculated by using two different models, namely: background area source with uniform seismicity and spatially smoothed seismicity model. In this study, two case studies are carried out for a large (a country) and a small region (a province) in order to in...
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Prediction of elastic displacement response spectra in Europe and the Middle East
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Empirical equations are presented for the prediction of displacement response ordinates for damping ratios of 2, 5, 10, 20 and 30% of critical and for response periods up to 4 s, using 532 accelerograms from the strong-motion databank from Europe and the Middle East. The records were all re-processed and only employed for regressions at periods within the usable range, defined as a fraction of the filter cut-off and depending on the instrument type (digital or analogue), earthquake magnitude and site class....
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The Udabno Project is an archaeological fieldwork in Eastern Georgia which includes three settlements from ca. 11th \10th century BC (Udabno I, II and III). The project aims to provide information about the settlement of this period of time. Extensive surveys including geomagnetic prospection took place before the excavations and these are all reveal proto-urban settlement structures. In this project, one of the most important investigations is the pit dwellings, which are located in the middle of the settl...
Citation Formats
T. İncesu, “Studies of the dissociation fragments of N2/5 and the gj measurement of metastable S2 atomic oxygen.,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1974.