Theory of energy levels and line widths of resonance states of atoms: calculations for He and H.

Erkoç, Şakir


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In this study, carrots of Beypazarı variety, cultivated during 2004 season were chemically and steam peeled. Effects of temperature, concentration of NaOH solutions and immersion time on lye peeling of carrots were studied; optimum time-temperature-concentration relations were analyzed mathematically. Then suitable combinations of concentration, temperature and time were determined just by considering degree of peeling. Increases in both temperature and concentration of lye solution led to a decrease in pee...
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In the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, the past earthquake records that can not be associated with any one of the specific faults are treated as background seismic activity. Contribution of background seismic activity to seismic hazard is generally calculated by using two different models, namely: background area source with uniform seismicity and spatially smoothed seismicity model. In this study, two case studies are carried out for a large (a country) and a small region (a province) in order to in...
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In this study, some Ottoman low carbon steel nails from a 16th century brickmasonry dome of Kilic Ali Pasha Bath in Istanbul and from a 19th century stone dwelling in Phocaea Izmir were studied for their long term corrosion characteristics. Their corrosion layers were examined with a Senterra Bruker micro-Raman spectrometer and Tescan Vega model Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Inca X-Stream 2 Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Powdered samples scraped from the corrosion layers were studied ...
Citation Formats
Ş. Erkoç, “Theory of energy levels and line widths of resonance states of atoms: calculations for He and H.,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1977.