The Effects of electronic commerce and information technologies in OECD countries

Ongan, Meltem Gülenay


The Impact of climate change on agricultural production in Mediterranean countries
Atay, Mehmet Ufuk; Sarı, Ramazan; Yücel, İsmail; Department of Earth System Science (2015)
The aim of the study is to determine the impact of climate change on agriculture for Mediterranean countries by employing vulnerability and econometric analysis. At first step, a composite agricultural vulnerability index is created by principal component analysis (PCA) for Mediterranean counties and world’s top 35 cereal producer countries. Then, based on index scores, countries are grouped by cluster analysis. Several indicators are selected from different international databases according to three compon...
The impacts of telecommunication technologies on urban space
Artar, Neslihan; Tankut, Gönül; Department of Urban Design (1999)
The effects of information technology on organisations
Arabul, Zeynep Ece; Onay, Zeynep; Department of Business Administration (1994)
Banka kredilerinin bölgesel büyümeye etkileri
Önder, Zeynep; Özyıldırım, Züleyha (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2010-12)
Bu çalışmada, 1992-2006 yılları arasında kamu bankaları ve özel bankalar tarafından açılan kredilerin il bazında büyümeye olan etkileri, kamu harcamaları, kentleşme, eğitim ve illerin finansal merkezlere uzaklıkları gibi değişkenler kontrol edilerek, ve “sabit etkiler modeli” kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bulgularımız, hem kalkınmada öncelikli bölgelerde hem de diğer bölgelerde, özel sermayeli bankalarca verilen kredilerinin büyümeye etkisinin kamu sermayeli bankalara göre istatistiksel açıdan daha anlamlı ol...
The impact of value added components of GDP and FDI on economic freedom in Europe
SAYARI MARCUM, NAZ; Sarı, Ramazan; Hammoudeh, Shawkat (Elsevier BV, 2018-06-01)
This paper investigates the possibility of a long-run relationship between the Economic Freedom Index (EFI), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and value added components of GDP in thirty Eastern, Central and Western European countries. The study further examines whether the FDI and sector-specific components of GDP have any significant impact on economic freedom for these countries. We use annual data and employ Pedroni and KAO panel cointegration analyses to assess the long-run relationships. The results ind...
Citation Formats
M. G. Ongan, “The Effects of electronic commerce and information technologies in OECD countries,” Middle East Technical University, 2001.