The Efects of direct formative testing on learner performance and the development of learner autonomy.

Kucuroğlu, Çiğdem


The Use of Informed Priors in Biclustering of Gene Expression with the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process.
Tercan, Bahar; Acar, Aybar Can (2019-02-26)
We motivate and describe the application of Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP) models to the "soft" biclustering of gene expression data, in which we obtain modules (biclusters) where the affiliation of genes and samples with the modules are weighted, instead of being hard memberships. As a distinct contribution, we propose a method which HDP is informed with prior beliefs, significantly increasing the quality of the biclustering in terms of both the correctness of the number of modules inferred, and the ...
The moderating role of emotion management in the relationship between mobbing and burnout.
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The effect of conceptual approach on students' achievement and attitudes toward physics.
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The effects of individual and group computer based problem solving on students affective and cognitive outcomes in secondary school mathematics.
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The Effects of Computer Simulated Experiments on High School Students' Understanding of the Displacement and Velocity Concepts
ŞENGEL, ERHAN; Özden, Muhammet Yaşar (2010-01-01)
d Problem Statement: The number of relationships between important concepts is higher in physics courses than in other courses. As well as the definitions of complicated concepts, the feature of concepts should be learned. Using traditional instructional methods are sometimes not enough to teach physics concepts like velocity and displacement. Based on implications in the literature, Computer Simulated Experiment (CSE) seems to be a satisfactory approach that can be used to promote students' science achieve...
Citation Formats
Ç. Kucuroğlu, “The Efects of direct formative testing on learner performance and the development of learner autonomy.,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.