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Local government unions
Gürel Üçer, Zeynep Aslı
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In this thesis, the local government unions formed by local government units in order to perform the duties assigned to them by various laws, but they can not carry out individually is examined. This thesis lays down the reasons requiring cooperation between local governments and assesses the status of local government unions in Türkiye. Local government units have become inoperable in terms of their duties due to various reasons. At this point, establishment of local government unions appear as a method for carrying out the duties that the local government units cannot cope with individually. Local government unions which have been established on the basis of the principle of the unification of powers and authorities have various advantages. Local government unions which are preferred due to the advantages provided to the local government units present a good organization model. In practice, it is observed that the local government unions have failed and could not attain their objectives. Finally, the reasons for failure and the structural and legal arrangements need to be undertaken in order to become more efficient and successful is outlined, in this thesis.
Subject Keywords
Local government
Local government union
Regional municipal unions
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
Z. A. Gürel Üçer, “Local government unions,” Middle East Technical University, 2002.