Silhouette-based 3d reconstruction by energy minimization

Mengi, Emre
To generate a model of an object in the framework of silhouette based recon struction from multiple views, various energy minimization techniques with dif ferent surface representations are used. Initially, original 3D snakes with layered parametric representation is applied. Snake is deformed to minimize an energy functional imposing smoothness and attraction towards 3D surface points de tected from 2D images. Secondly, a representation in spherical coordinates is suggested and the definition of the energy functional is modified accordingly. Together with this new representation the deformation technique of original 3D snakes is changed so that the surface discontinuities can be determined while de forming the surface. Finally, an iterative and progressive algorithm is described to reconstruct most of the natural surfaces. The progressive algorithm can be directly used for 3D reconstruction, if the data is reliable. In the case of noisy data, we discuss how the progressive method can be supplemented by an energy minimization technique in order to recover the surface accurately.


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Yemez, Y.; Sahillioğlu, Yusuf (2009-10-01)
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Yilmaz, U; Mulayim, AY; Atalay, Mehmet Volkan (2002-10-30)
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Citation Formats
E. Mengi, “Silhouette-based 3d reconstruction by energy minimization ,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2003.