History and theory in the construction of Ozbeg and Kazakh identity

Gürbüz, Yunus Emre
The purpose of this dissertation is to follow the process of the emergence and development of the peoples called as Özbegs and Kazakhs by using both emic and etic sources of knowledge and to reflect the differences in perception. The period I have studied covers the post-Chinggisid period in Eurasia, where the tribes defined as Özbegs and Kazakhs emerged. The long period as well as both etic and emic sources I have examined showed that identities are outcomes of the habitus, which affects our perception. As the habitus is in a continuous change, perceptions, meanings, terms and identities are also continuously reconstructed, and therefore they shouldn't be considered as static. Identities and terms need to be understood mwithin their context and imposing notions by an outsider from a different time and place can lead to distortions.


Trying to Interpret Modern Art as a Finite-Element Practitioner
YILMAZ, ASIM EGEMEN; Kuzuoğlu, Mustafa (2011-06-01)
In this essay, our main aim is to identify the similarities between the techniques used by the 19th and 20th century painters, and scientists dealing with the Finite-Difference/Finite-Element methods. First, we discuss the concept of representation in art, together with its mathematical formulation. We next formulize the perception, and conclude with a discussion about the analogies between artistic movements and some concepts of the Finite-Element Method.
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The philosophy of perception and the process of visuality theories have significant role in today's world. It is surely beyond doubt that when it is come to perception, the first thing that comes to mind is strongly related with senses. Every human sense scrutinizes carefully from different fields of disciplines. By means of seeing, hearing, smelling, touching maybe tasting, we can designate the space and insert into space. In addition to this experience, any changes in this place which we specified our per...
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Özkan, Alparslan; Köksal, Pınar; Department of Eurasian Studies (2020)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the effect of historical contradiction between nomadism and sedentarism on the transformation of the nomadic Kazakh identity by using the theoretical approaches of Ibn Khaldun and Anatoly M. Khazanov. From the 18th century to the first half of the 20th century, the relation of the Kazakh society with Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union was one of the most clear examples of this historical conflict. The Kazakhs, who had a pastoral nomadic lifestyle during these periods, w...
Ending the exile of desire in Spinoza and Hegel
Cengiz, Övünç; Çırakman, Elif; Department of Philosophy (2007)
The main objective of this master’s thesis is to analyze the place assigned to the phenomenon of desire by Hegel and Spinoza, and to show that the main difference between two philosophers in terms of their understanding of desire and human phenomenon consists in their understanding of the relation between the substance and particulars. In order to fulfill the requirements of this objective, what is focused on is, as different from a certain philosophical thought excluding desire from a true account of human...
The political framework of industrial meltdown in Croatia, 1990-2013
Mihaljević, Domagoj (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2014-12)
In this paper, the writer offers an analysis of a political framework of deindustrialization and seeks to explain the political factors that have shaped and determined the fate of industrial sector in Croatia over the last two decades. The first major blow to industry was disintegration of the Yugoslav state in a bloody war after a decade-long economic stagnation during the 1980s. In Croatia this process was followed by restoration of capitalist mode of production through privatization. Besides the war...
Citation Formats
Y. E. Gürbüz, “History and theory in the construction of Ozbeg and Kazakh identity ,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2003.