Wing flutter analysis with an uncoupled method

Kavukcuoğlu, Koray
In this thesis, flutter of AGARD Wing 445.6 is predicted with a new approach. The unsteady aerodynamic loads are calculated with an unstructured Euler solver. Surface interpolation is used to transfer the calculated mode shapes from the structural mesh to the CFD mesh and to transfer pressure distributions in the opposite direction. Using the transferred pressure distributions, nodal force distributions on the finite element model are calculated. A polynomial is fitted to the nodal forces in terms of the reduced frequency. The resulting polynomial eigenvalue problem is solved to obtain flutter frequency.


Investigation of effect of mass distribution on wing flutter by fluid-structure interaction analysis
Celen, Furkan; Darendeliler, Haluk; Oktay, Erdal; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2022-8)
In this study, a closely coupled fluid-structure interaction analysis is carried out in order to investigate the effect of mass distribution on wing flutter. A commercial software is used to carry out and couple the structural and computational fluid dynamics analyses. The validation of the analysis procedure is realized by simulating the AGARD 445.6 wing flutter experiment and comparing the simulation results with the experimental ones. The simulation results agreed well with the experimental results. The ...
Wing Flexibility Effects in Clap-and-Fling
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MDAO for aerodynamic assessment of a morphed wing for the loiter segment of a UAV flight mission
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In this paper a detailed overview of a framework for an optimization of a morphing wing is presented. The framework presented here aids the design process of a morphing UAV wing which includes the variety of the flight phases and morphing concepts. The framework consists of two main solvers to compute the aerodynamic assessment of the wing: a fast low-fidelity module that solves the aeroelastic problem by coupling a geometrically nonlinear structural model to a potential flow aerodynamic model and a high-fi...
Validation of a particle simulation approach
Eneren, Şeyma Pinar; Çöker, Demirkan; Çıray, Cahit; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2016)
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Pressure field estimation from particle image velocimetry data
Günaydınoğlu, Erkan; Kurtuluş, Dilek Funda; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2018)
In this thesis, a methodology is proposed to estimate pressure fields from particle image velocimetry measurements. The methodology uses the velocity fields acquired from the experiments as initial and boundary condition and employs Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations algorithm to solve governing equations. Finite volume method is employed with high order discretization scheme for solution of steady and transient flows. The methodology is validated with theoretical flows and further verified ...
Citation Formats
K. Kavukcuoğlu, “Wing flutter analysis with an uncoupled method,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2003.