Reconstruction of a 3D human head model from images

Hassanpour, Reza Zare
The main aim of this thesis is to generate 3D models of human heads from uncalibrated images. In order to extract geometric values of a human head, we find camera parameters using camera auto calibration. However, some image sequences generate non-unique (degenerate) solutions. An algorithm for removing degeneracy from the most common form of camera movement in face image acquisition is described. The geometric values of main facial features are computed initially. The model is then generated by gradual deformation of a generic polygonal model of a head. The accuracy of the models is evaluated using ground truth data from a range scanner. 3D models are covered with cylindrical texture values obtained from images. The models are appropriate for animation or identification applications.


Photometric stereo considering highlights and shadows
Büyükatalay, Soner; Halıcı, Uğur; Birgül, Özlem; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2011)
Three dimensional (3D) shape reconstruction that aims to reconstruct 3D surface of objects using acquired images, is one of the main problems in computer vision. There are many applications of 3D shape reconstruction, from satellite imaging to material sciences, considering a continent on earth or microscopic surface properties of a material. One of these applications is the automated firearm identification that is an old, yet an unsolved problem in forensic science. Firearm evidence matching algorithms rel...
3D indirect shape retrieval based on hand interaction
Irmak, Erdem Can; Sahillioğlu, Yusuf; Department of Game Technologies (2017)
In this thesis, a novel 3D indirect shape analysis method is presented which successfully retrieves 3D shapes based on the hand-object interaction. In the first part of the study, the human hand information is processed and trans- ferred to the virtual environment by Leap Motion Controller. Position and rotation of the hand, the angle of the finger joints are used for this part in our method. Also, in this approach, a new type of feature, which we call inter- action point, is introduced. These interaction p...
Visual-inertial sensor fusion for 3D urban modeling
Sırtkaya, Salim; Alatan, Abdullah Aydın; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2013)
In this dissertation, a real-time, autonomous and geo-registered approach is presented to tackle the large scale 3D urban modeling problem using a camera and inertial sensors. The proposed approach exploits the special structures of urban areas and visual-inertial sensor fusion. The buildings in urban areas are assumed to have planar facades that are perpendicular to the local level. A sparse 3D point cloud of the imaged scene is obtained from visual feature matches using camera poses estimates, and planar ...
3D Face Reconstruction Using Stereo Images and Structured Light
OZTURK, Ahmet Oguz; Halıcı, Uğur; ULUSOY PARNAS, İLKAY; AKAGUNDUZ, Erdem (2008-04-22)
In this paper, the 3D face scanner that we developed using stereo cameras and structured light together is presented. Structured light having a pattern of vertical lines is used to create feature points and to match them easily. 3D point cloud obtained by stereo analysis is post processed to obtain the 3D model in obj format.
2D/3D human pose estimation using deep convolutional neural nets
Kocabaş, Muhammed; Akbaş, Emre; Department of Computer Engineering (2019)
In this thesis, we propose algorithms to estimate 2D/3D human pose from single view images. In the first part of the thesis, we present MultiPoseNet, a novel bottom-up multiperson pose estimation architecture that combines a multi-task model with a novel assignment method. MultiPoseNet can jointly handle person detection, keypoint detection, person segmentation and pose estimation problems. The novel assignment method is implemented by the Pose Residual Network (PRN) which receives keypoint and person detec...
Citation Formats
R. Z. Hassanpour, “Reconstruction of a 3D human head model from images,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2003.