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Policy implications in the 'learning economy' a study on learning process model of Aselsan
Tezel, Nezahat
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This study explores the relatively new concept of أThe Learning Economyؤ in the context of system of Innovation, which provides a basic understanding of all elements and their relations necessary to enhance the innovative capacity. This thesis aims to examine the structure and characteristics of ASELSAN (Electronic Industries Inc.) including i.e., firm-level technological activities. In the ءLearning Economy̕, rapid learning is the key factor for accelerating innovative capabilities and competitiveness for firms and nations. On the other hand, this concept is closely correlated with the ءNew Economy̕, ICT (Information communication Technologies) that enhances the knowledge dissemination and learning. In this perspective, ASELSAN acquired high-level technological capabilities and rapid development such that it can be considered as a model for other firms in Turkey. Furthermore, this research aims to point out the ءLearning Process Model of ASELSAN̕ comparing it with the catching-up firms in South Korea and emphasize transformation of technology and institutional structure in the period from 1980 to 2002. As an individual firm, ءASELSAN̕ is a leading firm in the defense industry as a system integrator; and the next step may be ءnetwork-based̕ learning process model. In summary, there could be policy lessons to be taken for other firms to become a ءlearning organization and ءinnovative firm̕.
Subject Keywords
Learning economy
Learning process
Technological capability and organization
Turkish Electronic Industry
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
N. Tezel, “Policy implications in the ‘learning economy’ a study on learning process model of Aselsan,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2003.