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An assessment of preservice teachers' technology perception in relation to their subject area
Tınmaz, Hasan
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The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting a preservice teacher̕s perception of technology in relation to subject areas. Study focused on six hundred and ninety six senior preservice teachers (405 female, 288 male, and 3 not stated) from eight different subject areas of Burdur Faculty of Education, Süleyman Demirel University in Turkey in 2003-2004 Spring semester. A none-experimental survey research design was employed by administrating a Technology Perception Scale (TPS) and a Computer Competency Scale (CCS). Study included four independent variables (gender, subject area, existence of a home computer and perceived computer competency level) and one dependent variable (perception). The study showed that preservice teachers perceive technology in education favorably, but not very favorably. The mean scores of subscales showed the positive effects of technology in education valued more than the effects of teacher training program by preservice teachers. The highest mean score for TPS was observed in classroom teaching preservice teachers and the lowest score was observed in science education. It was also demonstrated that preservice teachers were graduated with a less than moderate level of competency. Classroom teaching preservice teachers possessed the highest mean score, and Turkish education preservice teachers held the lowest mean score. It was also found that males had higher mean scores than females for all scales. Preservice teachers possessing a home computer with Internet access had highest mean scores for all scales. Univariate ANOVA results showed that gender and the perceived computer competency level are the major factors affecting a preservice teacher̕s perception. It was also revealed that possession of a home computer correlated with perceived computer competency level. Even though there obtained differences among subject areas,
Subject Keywords
Teacher Training in Universities and Colleges.
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
H. Tınmaz, “An assessment of preservice teachers’ technology perception in relation to their subject area,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2004.