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Numerical and experimental investigation Of two-phase flow distribution through multiple outlets from a horizontal drum
Pezek, Enis
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In CANDU reactors, under normal operating conditions, the inlet headers collect and distribute single-phase liquid flow (heavy water) to the fuel cooling channels via the feeders. However, under some postulated loss of coolant accidents, the inlet headers may receive two-phase fluid (steam/water) and the fluid forms a stratified region inside the header. To predict the thermalhydraulic behaviour of headers for the reactor safety analysis, the two-phase flow distribution within the headers and through the feeders must be modelled. In order to analyse the two-phase flow behaviour of a scaled CANDU inlet header; a transparent and instrumented version of a header with 5 feeders was previously built in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University (METU-Two Phase Flow Test Facility / METU-TPFTF). The aim of this study is to investigate two-phase flow distribution through multiple outlets from such a horizontal drum both numerically and experimentally. For this purpose, three-dimensional incompressible finite difference equations in cylindrical coordinates were derived by using two-fluid model to simulate adiabatic two-phase flow (air/water) in the header numerically. The discretized equations were then programmed into a computer code which was developed specifically for modelling the header type geometry. A method based on the principles of Implicit Multi Field (IMF) technique has been utilised to solve those equations. The solution algorithm was tested by using some numerical benchmark problems. A number of experimental tests covering single and two-phase flow distribution through outlet pairs from the header were performed. Void fractions and flow rates obtained from these tests are in good agreement with the code results. The code also predicts the void fraction and pressure distribution in the header satisfactorily.
Subject Keywords
Mechanical engineering.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
E. Pezek, “Numerical and experimental investigation Of two-phase flow distribution through multiple outlets from a horizontal drum,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2006.