The Caspian oil and gas in international energy policy : opportunities for Turkey

Emed, Osman
The Caspian region hydrocarbons are important for international energy security. Producer, consumer and transit countries, albeit for different reasons, try to get a share of these new resources. The opening up of the Region has presented Turkey with a new set of opportunities. In this thesis the positions of all the countries involved are examined. Special attention is given to Turkish policies towards the region. In conclusion the geopolitical environment emerged around the hydrocarbon resources and pipelines is evaluated. It will be seen that this environment puts Turkey in a very favorable position and Turkey is now a player in the international energy game despie the fact that it has almost no hydrocarbon resources.


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Citation Formats
O. Emed, “ The Caspian oil and gas in international energy policy : opportunities for Turkey,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2006.