Electronic excited states and excitation transfer kinetics in the FMO protein complex of the photosynthetic bacterium prosthecochloris aestuarii at low temperatures.

İşeri, Erkut İnan


Electronic excited states and excitation transfer kinetics in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein of the photosynthetic bacterium Prosthecochloris aestuarii at low temperatures
Iseri, EI; Gulen, D (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1999-01-01)
The molecular structure-function relationship of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson light-harvesting complex of the photosynthetic green bacterium Prosthecochloris aestuarii has been investigated. It has been assumed that the electronic excited states responsible for the function (transfer of electronic excitation energy) result from the dipole-dipole interactions between the bacteriochlorophyll molecules bound to the polypeptide chain of the complex at a specific three-dimensional geometry. The molecular structure-e...
Electronic excited states of the CP29 antenna complex of green plants: A model based on exciton calculations
Iseri, EI; Albayrak, D; Gulen, D (2000-01-01)
We have suggested a model for the electronic excited states of the minor plant antenna, CP29, by incorporating a considerable part of the current information offered by structure determination, site-directed mutagenesis, and spectroscopy in the modeling. We have assumed that the electronic excited states of the complex have been decided by the chlorophyll-chlorophyll (Chl) and Chl-protein interactions and have modeled the Coulombic interaction between a pair of Chls in the point-dipole approximation and the...
Electronic excited states of the CP29 antenna complex of green plants : a model based on exciton calculations
Albayrak, Duygu; Gülen, Demet; Department of Physics (2000)
Electronic properties of dye molecules adsorbed on anatase-titania surface for solar cell applications
Torun, Engin; Toffoli, Hande; Department of Physics (2009)
Wide band gap metal oxides have recently become one of the most investigated materials in surface science. Among these metal oxides especially TiO2 attracts great interest, because of its wide range applications, low cost, biocompatibility and ease of analysis by all experimental techniques. The usage of TiO2 as a component in solar cell technology is one of the most investigated applications of TiO2 . The wide band gap of TiO2 renders it ine cient for isolated use in solar cells. TiO2 surface are therefore...
Electronic absorption and MCD spectra for octacyanometallate complexes M(CN)(8)(n-), M = Mo(IV), W(IV), n=4 and Mo(V), W(V), n=3
Isci, H; Mason, WR (Elsevier BV, 2004-11-15)
Electronic absorption and 8.0 T magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra are reported for M(CN)(8)(4-), M = Mo(IV) and W(IV), in aqueous solution and M(CN)(8)(3-), M = Mo(V) and W(V), in acetonitrile solutions. In addition some absorption and MCD spectra are reported for the M(CN), 3- ions embedded in thin poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) plastic films at temperatures from 295 to 10 K. The temperature dependence of the MCD spectra confirms the presence of C terms. The solution and PMMA spectra for the both ...
Citation Formats
E. İ. İşeri, “Electronic excited states and excitation transfer kinetics in the FMO protein complex of the photosynthetic bacterium prosthecochloris aestuarii at low temperatures.,” Middle East Technical University, 1998.