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Lepton flavor violating radion decays in the Randall-Sundrum Scenario
Korutlu, Beste
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The lepton flavor violating interactions are worthwhile to examine since they are sensitive to physics beyond the Standard Model. The simplest extension of the Standard Model promoting the lepton flavor violating interactions are the so called two Higgs doublet model which contains an additional Higgs doublet carrying the same quantum numbers as the first one. In this model, the lepton flavor violating interactions are induced by new scalar Higgs bosons, scalar h^0 and pseudo scalar A^0, and Yukawa couplings, appearing as free parameters, are determined by using the experimental data. On the other hand, the possible extra dimensions are interesting in the sense that they ensure a solution to the hierarchy and cosmological constant problems and also result in the enhancement in the physical quantities of various processes. In the present work, we predict the branching ratios of lepton flavor violating radion decays r->e^+- mu^-+, r->e^+- tau^-+ and r->mu^+- tau^-+ in the two Higgs doublet model, including a single extra dimension, in the framework of the Randall Sundrum scenario. We observed that the branching ratios of the processes we study are at most at the order of 10^-8 for the small values of radion mass and it decreases with the increasing values of the radion mass. Among the LFV decays we study, the r->mu^+- tau^-+ decay would be the most suitable one to measure its branching ratio.
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Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
B. Korutlu, “Lepton flavor violating radion decays in the Randall-Sundrum Scenario,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2007.