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İnvestigating the semileptonic B to K1(1270,1400) decays in QCD sum rules
Dağ, Hüseyin
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Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD) is part of the Standard Model(SM) that describes the interaction of fundamental particles. In QCD, due to the fact that strong coupling constant is large at low energies, perturbative approaches do not work. For this reason, non-perturbative approaches have to be used for studying the properties of hadrons. Among several non-perturbative approaches, QCD sum rules is one of the reliable methods which is applied to understand the properties of hadrons and their interactions.\ In this thesis, the semileptonic rare decays of $B$ meson to $K_{1}(1270)$ and $K_{1} (1400)$ are analyzed in the framework of three point QCD sum rules approach. The $Brightarrow K_{1} (1270,1400) ell^+ ell^-$ decays are significant flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) decays of the $B$ meson, since FCNC processes are forbidden at tree level at SM. These decays are sensitive to the new physics beyond SM. The radiative $Brightarrow K_{1}(1270) gamma$ decay is observed experimentally. Although semileptonic $Bto K_1(1270,1400)$ decays are still not observed, they are expected to be observed at future B factories. These decays happens at the quark level with $brightarrow s ell^+ ell^- $ transition, providing new opportunities for calculating CKM matrix elements: $V_{tb}$ and $V_{ts}$.\ Applying three point QCD sum rules to $Brightarrow K_{1} (1270,1400) ell^+ ell^-$ decays is tricky, due to the fact that the $K_{1} (1270)$ and $K_{1} (1400)$ states are the mixtures of ideal $^{3}P_{1}(K_{1}^{A})$ and $^{1}P_{1}(K_{1}^{B})$ orbital angular momentum states. First, by taking axial vector and tensor current definitions for $K_1$ mesons, the transition form factors of $Brightarrow K_{1A} ell^+ ell^-$ and $Brightarrow K_{1B} ell^+ ell^-$ are calculated. Then using the definitions for $K_1$ mixing, the transition form factors of $Brightarrow K_{1} (1270,1400) ell^+ ell^-$ decays are obtained. The results of these form factors are used to estimate the branching ratio of $B$ meson into $K_1(1270)$ and $K_1(1400)$. The results obtained for form factors and branching fractions are also compared with the ones in the literature.
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Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
H. Dağ, “İnvestigating the semileptonic B to K1(1270,1400) decays in QCD sum rules,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2010.