Time synchronization in measurement networks

Kaya, Zahit Evren
AMR (Automatic Measurement Reading) applications usually require measurement data to be collected from separate locations. In order to combine the data retrieved from separate sources into a meaningful result, all sources should share a common time sense. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a synchronization scheme in measurement networks. In this thesis, a synchronization scheme which combines GPS (Global Positioning System) and two high accuracy WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) time synchronization algorithms will be proposed and evaluated. The synchronization accuracy of the proposed method is compared to the accuracy of NTP (Network Time Protocol) by simulation. This research work is fully supported by the Public Research Grant Committee (KAMAG) of TUBİTAK within the scope of National Power Quality Project of Turkey with the project No: 105G129


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Optimal measurement ranking is the first and essential step in meter selection for the design of a reliable measurement system. This paper presents a computationally-efficient algorithm for the optimal ranking of measurements for state estimation. The algorithm maximizes the accuracy of estimates with respect to the measurement variances by performing a transformation on the problem.formulation, and minimizing the resulting cost function subject to a set of linear constraints.
Tracker-aware detection : a theoretical and an experimental study
Aslan, Murat Şamil; Saranlı, Afşar; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2009)
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Citation Formats
Z. E. Kaya, “Time synchronization in measurement networks,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2010.