Agricultural imports of Turkey

Durusu Çitfçi, Dilek
This thesis analyses the agricultural import demand of Turkey for the period 1993-2009. The main objective of the thesis is to assess the reason for the rapid increase in imports. Turkey has a trade surplus since 1993, yet, imports have surged since 2001. In this study import demand has been analyzed descriptively i.e., the developments in foreign trade have been described by the help of available, official trade statistics. Increasing population, economic growth (income) and overvalued exchange rate are among important factors that give rise to this rapid import increase. Foreign relations, such as the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Agriculture (1995) and Free Trade Agreement with European Union (1997), play also an important role. Future developments of EU-Turkey relations and a new WTO Agreement (Doha) may become instrumental to convert Turkey to a net importer of agricultural products. Turkey may keep its net-exporter position also in the future by increasing her agricultural output and productivity rather than relying on protectionism.


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Polater, Hüseyin Murat; Sevaioğlu, Osman; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2013)
In this thesis long term supply demand balance of Turkey is studied. Initially long term electrical energy demand and peak power demand forecasts are made. For forecasting, two different methods are used. First method is Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and second method is Time Series Method. Then electrical energy demand forecast by sector is done. Finally by considering the construction times of new generation plants, electrical energy production capacity and peak power production capacity projections ar...
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Ezer, Salim; Köksal, Pınar; Department of Eurasian Studies (2019)
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Attar, M. Aykut (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2017-8)
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Relative Price and Technology Components of Import Liberalization in Turkey: 1973-1996
Günlük-Şenesen, Gülay; Şenesen, Ümit (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2005-12)
This paper studies the effects of Turkey’s switch from import substitution to import liberalization in 1980 on intermediate imports. The underlying input-output methodology involves two novelties: Firstly, backward import linkages are disaggregated to capture both origin and destination sector information. Secondly, the intertemporal change is decomposed into relative price and technology components. Aggregated input-output tables for 1973 and 1996 constitute the database. Relative prices are far from being...
Citation Formats
D. Durusu Çitfçi, “Agricultural imports of Turkey,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2011.