The effect of webquest based instruction on ninth grade students’ achievement in and attitude towards force and motion

Gökalp, Muhammed Sait
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of WebQuest based instruction on ninth grade students’ achievement in and attitude towards force and motion subject. Force and Motion Achievement Test, Attitude towards “Force and Motion” Scale, Attitude towards the Internet Scale, Observation Checklist, and Out-Class Activities Survey were used as measuring tools. Teacher handouts and WebQuests were prepared as teaching/learning materials for this study. The study was conducted with 226 ninth grade students from eight classes of four high schools in Etimesgut district of Ankara in the spring semester of 2009-2010. There were four teachers and two classes of each teacher in this study. Force and Motion Achievement Test, Attitude towards “Force and Motion” Scale, and Attitude towards the Internet Scale were administered as pre-test to all groups in order to determine students’ prior achievement and attitude level before the treatment. The students in the experimental group received WebQuest based instruction and the students in the control group received traditional physics instruction. The instruction in both groups took eight weeks. After the treatment, Force and Motion Achievement Test, Attitude towards “Force and Motion” Scale, and Out-Class Activities Survey were given to both the experimental and control groups. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were carried out with the data obtained from the pre and post-tests. The descriptive statistics showed that the distribution of the data at each variable was approximately normal. Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) was used as inferential statistics. The results of the MANCOVA showed a significant mean difference of the achievement in favor of the experimental groups. However, no significant difference was found for attitude towards force and motion between the groups.


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Citation Formats
M. S. Gökalp, “The effect of webquest based instruction on ninth grade students’ achievement in and attitude towards force and motion,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2011.