Modeling and assessment of the effectiveness of government information systems

Güçlü, Aydın Nusret
In the context of evaluating effectiveness of information systems, the public sector requires a specific approach for measuring indirect benefits such as strategic / political value. There is not yet a holistic approach and no unified adaptive and time-variant model addressing the problem. In this thesis, Strategic Management Model developed and partially applied at the Ministry of Finance, Turkey, is described. The model is based on the public value delivery chain, from strategic goals to accountability reporting. Public Financial Management Value Space is built step by step, and a method is defined on the Value Space for effectiveness assessment through calculation of five value components, namely the Agency Value, User Value, Political Value, Strategic/Social Value, and Environmental Value, using weighted summation of key goal and performance indicators. Value space is mapped to ontology, then to the object model for flexible system implementation. The assessment calculation method, resulting in a single value allows for a-posteriori benefits assessment, allows not only for cross-comparison of programs, agencies, functions, etc. by fixing the values on the dimensions of the value space under analysis, but also standardization and consolidation. Economy, efficiency and effectiveness are linked as an extension of the assessment model by introducing the expenditure component of the budget. The model has been applied to two case studies of Information System investments at the Ministry of Finance, and a cross-comparison of these initiatives has been provided.


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Citation Formats
A. N. Güçlü, “Modeling and assessment of the effectiveness of government information systems,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2011.