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The phylogenetic analysis of picea orientalis populations from northeastern Turkey with respect to non-coding trn and matk regions of chloroplast genome
Gülsoy, Ali Murat
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The genus Picea is located from temperate to Taiga (boreal) regions of northern hemisphere from subtropical to high altitude with 34 species. Picea orientalis is endemic to Eastern Black Sea Mountainous region of Turkey and Western Caucasus. To determine the genetic relatedness within Picea orientalis populations, as well as the relationship between other Pinaceae species from database, populations were sampled from 15 different locations within the natural range of species and grouped into 5 depending on several criteria. In order to evaluate the genetic structure of the taxon, non-coding trn and matK regions of choloroplast DNA (cpDNA) were sequenced. According to genetic diversity analysis of 15 Picea orientalis populations with respect to trn and matK regions, there is not much variation among populations. Among 3 non-coding trn and the matK region, there is only one variable site which was parsimony informative. The results indicated that the populations from Artvin had the highest divergence. In this study, the genetic divergence of Picea orientalis from other Pinaceae species were also observed. According to the results obtained from trnV region the studied Picea orientalis observed to display a close relationship with Larix and distinct from other Pinaceae especially Pinus genus. This result is unrepresentative due to the results of other studies. Moreover, as a result of analysis with trncd-ef region, the studied Picea orientalis populations possessed close relationship with species from clade Picea. Moreover, based on molecular clock estimations the studied Picea orientalis populations had close relationships with the species form Asia. Finally, the relationship of Picea orientalis with other Picea species were analyzed with respect to matK region. The result is consistent with the results of trncd-ef region and also with other studies.
Subject Keywords
Homology (Biology)
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
A. M. Gülsoy, “The phylogenetic analysis of picea orientalis populations from northeastern Turkey with respect to non-coding trn and matk regions of chloroplast genome,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2011.