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The Effect of metacognitive instructional method on eleventh grade students’ metacognitive skill and mathematical procedural and conceptual knowledge
Abdul Aziz, Tian
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The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of metacognitive instructional method, compared to traditional instruction on eleventh grade science student’s mathematical procedural and conceptual knowledge, and metacognitive skills. Sixty-six eleventh-grade students in a school in Bandung City, Indonesia took part in this study. Matching-only pre-test-post-test control group design was conducted. The classes were randomly assigned to experimental and control group. In the experimental group metacognitive instructional method called IMPROVE (Introduction, Metacognitive Inquiry, Review, Practicing, Obtaining Mastery, Verification, and Enrichment) was applied, whereas in the control group traditional instruction was used to teach composition and inverse function, infinite sequence and series, and line equations topics within 9 weeks. The data collection tools used were Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge Test, Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. Using Multivariate Analysis of Covariance, the main effects of teaching methods, gender, and interaction between them were investigated. Consequently, (1) IMPROVE instructional method was more effective in supporting students’ procedural and conceptual knowledge, and regulation of cognition, (2) there was gender difference in students’ procedural and conceptual knowledge, and regulation of cognition in favour of female students. No interaction between instructional methods and gender was found. Another purpose of the study was to explore students’ experience with metacognitive instructional method. Therefore, qualitative data was compiled. Fourteen students who had different abilities from experimental group were interviewed semi-structurally after the treatment. The data was transcribed, coded and categorized. Generally, students took benefits from IMPROVE instructional method even though at the beginning they encountered with several challenges.
Subject Keywords
Learning, Psychology of.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
T. Abdul Aziz, “The Effect of metacognitive instructional method on eleventh grade students’ metacognitive skill and mathematical procedural and conceptual knowledge,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2016.