Learning the internet through the internet: A case study

Yiğit, Yasemin


Learning Science through Mass Media A Phenomenological Inquiry into Fourth and Fifth Graders Experiences
Gelmez Burakgazi, Sevinç; Yıldırım, Ali (null; 2014-04-11)
Learning the Deep Approach: Language Teachers' Voices
Karaman, Abdullah Cendel; Tochon, Francois V. (2012-06-01)
Based on the Deep Approach and learning modules prepared for Turkish as a Foreign Language, this qualitative study analyzed the experiences of instructors working at five research universities in the United States and one university in Turkey. The focus was on understanding how the implementation of the new approach was negotiated by teachers as they reflected on pedagogies. As a result of the interpretive analysis, we identified three main themes. This article presents how teachers' practices, professional...
Learning by doing in the age of design computation
Oezkar, Mine (2007-01-01)
A design teaching approach of integrating the notions of design thinking and computing in the first year of architectural design education is introduced and discussed. The approach aims to enhance and bring up-to-date the educational practice of "learning by doing" in the first year foundations curriculum. In the studied example, the analytical phases of thinking in a simple design task are systematically and visually recorded. This documentation is incorporated to the design process as a means for the stud...
Learning from text and graphs: The role of annotations and sensory modality
Acartürk, Cengiz; Çağıltay, Kürşat (2008-08-31)
Statistical graphs are important means for communication as well as for visual analysis of data in science and scientific education. In this paper we focus on graphs co-presented with verbal material in visual and auditory sensory modality. In particular we study the role of annotation use by investigating the learning outcomes (i.e., visual and verbal recall and transfer) as well as eye movement characteristics in the use of text-graph documents. Results of the experimental study favoured the use of annota...
Learning intelligent behavior in a non-stationary and partially observable environment
Senkul, S; Polat, Faruk (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2002-10-01)
Individual learning in an environment where more than one agent exist is a challenging task. In this paper, a single learning agent situated in an environment where multiple agents exist is modeled based on reinforcement learning. The environment is non-stationary and partially accessible from an agents' point of view. Therefore, learning activities of an agent is influenced by actions of other cooperative or competitive agents in the environment. A prey-hunter capture game that has the above characteristic...
Citation Formats
Y. Yiğit, “Learning the internet through the internet: A case study,” Middle East Technical University, 1999.