Range parameterized bearings only tracking using particle filter

Arslan, Ali Erkin
In this study, accurate target tracking for bearings-only tracking problem is investigated. A new tracking filter for this nonlinear problem is designed where both range parameterization and Rao-Blackwellized (marginalized) particle filtering techniques are used in a Gaussian mixture formulation to track both constant velocity and maneuvering targets. The idea of using target turn rate in the state equation in such a way that marginalization is possible is elaborated. Addition to nonlinear nature, unobservability is a major problem of bearings-only tracking. Observer trajectory generation to increase the observability of the bearings-only tracking problem is studied. Novel formulation of observability measures based on mutual information between the state and the measurement sequences are derived for the problem. These measures are used as objective functions to improve observability. Based on the results obtained better understanding of the required observer trajectory for accurate bearings-only target tracking is developed.


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Citation Formats
A. E. Arslan, “Range parameterized bearings only tracking using particle filter,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2012.